
Where to look

Every time I post my weekly updates I experience increased levels of harassment. Usually the harassment escalates a couple of days or hours before I post. So, I'm not going to post my weekly updates for a while but, I'm always posting on Facebook please follow me there

Updates for the Week of 6/28/20

Start a prepper and vanlife store! Almost Free Energy most major urban areas can use!! Evil News a Nice Apertif Fight Back Against the Dark, Withered Heart of Pure Evil   Wed June 3, 2020 Conference Call/Podcast: This is Compelling Pudcasting! Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: This Ugo Guy offers very good technical and scientific analysis of the future of human energy consumption. So get your pipes and tweet jackets out!     Make Your Own Underground Bunker Portable Reverse Osmosis  I ordered and received the following portable reverse osmosis system: I installed this mini reverse osmosis system on my kitchen water faucet and it indeed makes my faucet water taste like my distiller water. NEXT,....the urine test! Convert this To This! The following portable RO system will eventually become available. It is ideal for a bug out bag, it can purify almost any wat...

Updates for the Week of 6/21/20

Start a prepper and vanlife store! Almost Free Energy most major urban areas can use!! Evil News a Nice Apertif   Fight Back Against the Dark, Withered Heart of Pure Evil     Wed June 3, 2020 Conference Call/Podcast: This is Compelling Pudcasting! Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: This Ugo Guy offers very good technical and scientific analysis of the future of human energy consumption. So get your pipes and tweet jackets out!     Make Your Own Underground Bunker Portable Reverse Osmosis  I ordered and received the following portable reverse osmosis system: I installed this mini reverse osmosis system on my kitchen water faucet and it indeed makes my faucet water taste like my distiller water. NEXT,....the urine test! Convert this To This! The following portable RO system will eventually become available. It is ideal for a bug out bag, i...

Generate your own water and wind power!!


Updates for the Week of 6/7/20

I believe that Mall attendance could be revived by focusing on items for Preppers and Vanlife. Sears could save itself and it's employees by going full bore Prepper and Van Life, no half stepping! It could have everything needed by preppers, like Bulk Freeze Dried Food, portable and countertop water purification, generators with house backfeed cords, solar panels, solar cookers (like a solar parabolic griller), solar ovens, solar generators. It could also sell atmospheric water generators. Mylar BAGS! Portable hydroponics products, with seeds, groundwater digging equipment, gas masks, NBC suits, machines that can freeze dry food. Shortwave radios, from 2Mhz to 30Mhz, and Vhf radios, CB radios, and the all the antennas. Offer complete bug out bags, complete first aid backpacks, surgery equipment, etc. They can even carry more lucrative products like wood gas generators both for electric generators and automobiles. They could also carry fuel conversion kits for vehicles, to a...