Solar Steam, Wind Tubines, etc
In regards to the lifespan and reliability of solar steam, solar Stirling engine, or wind turbines, I believe we could learn something from some of the better practices of car, TV, and other product manufactuers. Like this: Also, many automobiles are subjected to extensive, rigorous testing, to simulate the effects of aging due to a variety of factors, like fast driving, rough roads, acceleration, low maintenance, going over bumps quickly, heat, cold, etc. After this extensive testing the entire car is taken apart and every piece, no matter how small, is inspected for wear. This is what should be done with solar steam, solar Stirling engines, and wind turbines. Older solar steam plants, Solar Stirling engines, and wind turbines could be completely taken apart and every piece, no matter how small should be inspected to see if they wear, how much they wear, which components wear down more quickly, which less quickly. This can greatly improve t...