Updates for the Week of 9/29/19

I have noticed that the days or hours before I post on this blog the organized stalking system increases the level of harassment and stealing ideas. A couple of hours before I posted this I noticed that the system stole several ideas I had or some expressions I used to make. The system also always tried to one up me, always tries to copy what I do and do it "more". I met with Nick Pope at the Area 51 event and yesterday I was made aware of a documentary featuring a local well known TI, from the Phoenix metro area, and a whole host of other UFO researchers like David Wilcock, Mike Bara, etc. As if trying to out do me. Yesterday 9/29/19 a friend and I drove around the Phoenix Metro area visiting several TIs. One TI was being attacked heavily, yet while we were there the attacks subsided, and they are still subsiding. Maybe the organized stalking system tried to attack me instead of her. I don't mind, I've been tangling and tusseling with these guys for over 10 years...