Updates for the Week of 1/26/20

TI Conference Call for Jan 22, 2020 Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: How to make an inexpensive atmospheric water generator DIY Atmospheric Drinking Water Generator https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Atmospheric-Water-Generator/ The dehumidifier could be powered by wood-gas powered generator, wind, hydroelectric, or solar. In a grid down situation where municipal water supplies are no longer functional people can extract water from the atmosphere. This water could be used for drinking, hydroponic farms, washing, etc. The contents and uses of these kits could also be applied to prepper "bug out" or "survival" bags. Emergency Communications: Baofeng Crash Course (Good for communication among people within walking range) CB Radios (Good for longer distance communications) Just in case people or families have to leave their homes due to fir...