
Showing posts from February, 2020

Updates for the Week of 2/23/20

    Link to One of my Podcasts Link to all my Podcasts: TI Conference Call for Feb 19, 2020   Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: Top Antibiotics to Store for Prepping  (If you get green running sores you might want to use this stuff) 100 Days, $100, 25 Years Shelf Life (Store some chick peas and rice and you won't have to stagger around looking for ratmeat) He used a flat hair crimper to seal and regular vacuum to suck out the air, an excellent example of the El Cheapo philosophy to prepping! You can buy 10, 5 Gallon Mylar bags, along with 10 2000cc oxygen absorbers for $23.99 You can get smaller sealable Mylar bags from Ebay, for just a couple of Farthings! 100 bags for about $20

Updates for the Week of 2/16/20

    Link to One of my Podcasts - A blast of love on Valentine's Day Link to all my Podcasts: TI Conference Call for Feb 12, 2020  Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: Portable Water Filtration Hydroponics for LIFE! Grow your own food in your house, with no soil and little water! Emergency Communications: Baofeng Crash Course (Good for communication among people within walking range)  CB Radios (Good for longer distance communications) Just in case people or families have to leave their homes due to fires, it may be useful to create bug out bags for the entire family: Bug Out Bags:  EMP Protection: Given that it may be possible that multiple EMP events may take place, separated in time and space. It is critical that people harden electronic devices that may be used after the initial EMP attack. Otherwise the EMP attack af...

Updates for the Week of 2/9/20

    Link to my TI Podcasts TI Conference Call for Jan 29, 2020  (no conference call this week, I was at Phoenix, AZ City Council Meeting on Wed Feb 5, 330p) Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: F reeze dried food has a shelf life of 20+ years, though freeze dryers for home use can be quite expensive: In essence what freeze dryers do is lower the temperature of the food below 0 degrees C so that water can exist in only one of two forms solid and vapor as we can see in the phase diagram below: By Cmglee - Own work , CC BY-SA 3.0 , Link Since the average ambient air pressure is approximately 1 bar the water present in the food below 0 degrees C, is in solid form. Then a vacuum pump is used to decrease the pressure of the food while the temperature is below 0 degrees C. If the pressure is lowered sufficiently then the water in the food will sublimate and...

Updates for the Week of 1/26/20

    Link to my TI Podcasts TI Conference Call for Jan 29, 2020  (no conference call this week, I was at Phoenix, AZ City Council Meeting on Wed Jan 29, 330p) Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: Individual Protection Against Atomic Attack Individual Protection Against Atomic Attack ~ 1957 US Army; The Big Picture TV-393 from Jeff Quitney on Vimeo . Emergency Communications: Baofeng Crash Course (Good for communication among people within walking range)  CB Radios (Good for longer distance communications) Just in case people or families have to leave their homes due to fires, it may be useful to create bug out bags for the entire family: Bug Out Bags:  EMP Protection: Given that it may be possible that multiple EMP events may take place, separated in time and space. It is critical that people harden electronic devices that may be used after the initial EMP attack. Otherwise the EMP att...