Updates for the Week of 2/23/20

Link to One of my Podcasts Link to all my Podcasts: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/aw96w40zune09/TIPodcast TI Conference Call for Feb 19, 2020 Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: Top Antibiotics to Store for Prepping (If you get green running sores you might want to use this stuff) 100 Days, $100, 25 Years Shelf Life (Store some chick peas and rice and you won't have to stagger around looking for ratmeat) He used a flat hair crimper to seal and regular vacuum to suck out the air, an excellent example of the El Cheapo philosophy to prepping! You can buy 10, 5 Gallon Mylar bags, along with 10 2000cc oxygen absorbers for $23.99 https://www.ebay.com/itm/10-5-Gallon-5-25-Mil-Genuine-Mylar-Ziplock-Bags-10-2000CC-Oxygen-Absorbers/221305365123 You can get smaller sealable Mylar bags from Ebay, for just a couple of Farthings! 100 bags for about $20 https://www.ebay.com/itm/BAGS-POUCHES-FOIL-BAG-HEAT-SEAL-STAND-UP-F...