Updates for the Week of 5/12/19
This was posted on mother's day: You miss your mom,...contact her!
CounterMeasures for TIs:
Climate Engineering Lecture for the Week: (Nothing's Gonna Be Alright)
A Get-Home, Bug-Out bag how to from a REAL Marine
Can you tell the difference?
Doomsday Preppers S01E02 (Prepperoni,..it's not just for kids!)
(Preppers and those who produce the show are some of the worst "perps", they steal most of their ideas from people that are far more capable.
They also tend to walk on the "prejudiced/88" side of the street. But I'm going to keep posting their videos on my blog, so we can all use the knowledge they have stolen and so I can indirectly make them part of MY movement.
In my opinion people can live how they want, if they want to live apart, fine! The problems begin when they start to steal ideas from and sabotage those outside their group and create conditions and environments that are toxic to others, when that happens,...well then "Houston, we've got a problem". If people want things to get better, then leave people alone.)
{It might be useful if there was a series for the "budget" minded prepper, how to prep CHEAP!! The cheapest prepper in the world!}
Don't forget that as a last resort people can drink water from the toilet tank (not the bowl) or water heater.
*There is another issue. In most dwellings that don't use well water, the water is provided by some municipal agency. The municipal agency often stores the water for a neighborhood or town in a large tank on stilts like this:
Or sometimes the water tank is placed on a hill like this:
The water reaches people's homes, without the use of pumps. The water pressure is provided by the gravitational potential energy of the water in the tank. Now, it is true that water from some source is pumped up to the water tank.
This means that IF there is a Grid Down situation, water will still flow from the tap, as long as there is water in the tank. So people may have a couple of hours or days to store water. People can get a water bob storage bag like this:
After a couple of days with no grid power, then people may start looking for food.This gives the prepper a couple of days to prepare their residence and decide to stay or go.
What to do in a biosphere/economic collapse situation!
What to do in Medical Emergency Situation: (Do it yourself surgery)https://youtu.be/rvIJv1gMNAg
What to do in a Food/Gatherer Situation: (Hey,... Eat THIS!!)
What to do in a Firearm Situation: (You Feeling Lucky....PUNK)
https://youtu.be/F3YCQo01rn4 - (I like the police Helicopter accessory!)
https://youtu.be/X1hLe8rSir0 - (A joking!)
What to do in a Ham Radio Situation: (This is W9GFO,.... over and out)
Great Website for Ham Radio:
Shortwave for Beginners Part 2: The Antenna
Ham Radio, focused mostly on short distance communications
Ham Radio for Beginners Series Part 1
One more thing about Ham Radio Situation. In a collapse situation, the networks that transmit data from smart phones, internet, cable TV will most likely be nonfunctional. This implies that people may have to use some of the Ham Radio communication methods that rely primarily on the physical characteristics of the earth, atmosphere, sun, etc.
There is another communication method that may still be functional in a collapse situation and that is communication satellites. Since many satellites are in orbit far above the earth, are geostationary, and have their own power supplies, they will be immune to most collapse situations on the surface of earth. Hence preppers can utilize these satellites to communicate with each other and around the world.
What to do in a Stealth Vehicle Situation: (Think Stealth, Act Stealth, Live Stealth, Be Stealth)
What to do in a Fuel Conversion Situation: (Get some wood in the morning!)
In order for your stealth vehicle to be as useful as possible in a collapse situation, it is advisable that it be able to run on almost any combustible liquid or gas. Without access to a steady supply of fuel, eventually mobility will be limited.
The most commonly available fuel for the internal combustion engine is WOOD GAS:
How to build your own Wood Gas powered car!
Click below if you can't see the video above:
Click Below if you can't see the video above:
Look into LPG, CNG, and Flex fuel conversions:
Landfill methane can be a source of transportation fuel that is completely independent of grid. Though it would be ideal to be able to generate your own fuel like hydrogen, using solar.
Private Aircraft Situation??
If preppers get flight training, and buy a small aircraft, then in a collapse situation, they can make their way to the airport, fuel up and then fly to their "bug out" shelter, in near complete safety!! While all the nonpreppers are writhing in agony you'll be 1000's of feet safely above them, flying to your bug out shelter or some undetermined space with flat space to land.
A small private aircraft makes it possible to move with the seasons with near complete safety, though only if sufficient fuel is available.
It may be possible to operate a small aircraft using WOOD GAS.
Remember what actually occurred on 9/11:
Architects and Engineers for Truth Video:
Fire Fighters and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video:
Mae Brussell Archive for the Week: Mae Brussell Archive for the week of 1/15/72
Capitalism vs. Socialism Lecture for the Week:
Meteorology Lecture for the Week: Whence and Whither the Wind Part 1
Ecology Lecture for the Week: The Ecology of Dispersal and Migration
Another Dirty Room S1E6 :
SHOCK MOTEL : Return to the Royal Inn Maryland (This Motel room got the "Royal" treatment!)
Several reasons why people should obtain stealth vans or RVs!
Phil Hendrie Show for the Week: August 2, 2002
https://www.philhendrieshow.com/ph_episode/wednesday-august-7-2002-2/Hour 1:
Vernon Dozier locked his kids in a hot car while he was in Home Depot, because there were some very interesting things in there and it was too busy to take kids in. Vernon doesnt like parents who allow kids to die in hot cars being criticized.
Hour 2:
Jeff Dowder with Roller Coasters United says roller coasters are a death-defying experience, and only men from 15 to 35 should be allowed on them. Phil closes mentioning the show and restates his comments from Friday about not putting copies of his shows on the Internet.
Hour 3:
Bobbie Dooley had an elderly woman in her HOA who used an air conditioner that was against the rules, so they padlocked the breaker off and she ended up dead. She says old people die from heat because they want to, and don’t even buy fans. {Sorry, the Grammar in this description is just horrible. Did the person who wrote it spell Mommy, "momy"?}
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