Updates for the Week 6/30/19
CounterMeasures for TIs: https://www.targetedperson.com/BB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=23 Climate Engineering Lecture for the Week: (Nothing's Gonna Be Alright) Maybe Dane can do a "Dead Earth Series", in a manner similar to Dan Bell's " Dead Mall Series ". In the Dead Mall Series Malls are devoid of people, in the Dead Earth series, forests and rivers are devoid of wildlife. If we keep on polluting and releasing heat trapping pollutants into the earth. Other beings can walk anywhere on earth and find it like a Dead Mall, devoid of people!! DIY Prepperoni: Take a Toilet Paper PILL! (A Really Good IDEA!!! Put this in your EDC, Get Home, Bug Out Baggeroni!) - This guy claims he only needs ONE Toilet Paper Tablet to clean himself - Is this possible? DIY Prepperoni: EMP Protection with Survival Lilly (Your electronics could get cooked good! You could end up with Filet O' Semiconductor, Stir Fry Diode, or Baked Ham (Radio...