Updates for the Week of 6/9/18
CounterMeasures for TIs:
Climate Engineering Lecture for the Week: (Nothing's Gonna Be Alright)
Cheap Prepperoni: Building a TeePee with Survival Lilly
Cheap Prepperoni: Canning with no heat or electricity (Poor Man's/Woman's freeze drying) with Prepsteaders
Freeze dried food has a shelf life of 20+ years, though freeze dryers for home use can be quite expensive:
In essence what freeze dryers do is lower the temperature of the food below 0 degrees C so that water can exist in only one of two forms solid and vapor as we can see in the phase diagram below:

By Cmglee - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Since the average ambient air pressure is approximately 1 bar the water present in the food below 0 degrees C, is in solid form.
Then a vacuum pump is used to decrease the pressure of the food while the temperature is below 0 degrees C. If the pressure is lowered sufficiently then the water in the food will sublimate and go from solid to vapor directly, bypassing the liquid phase.
The reason why it is important to bypass the liquid phase is to avoid having the water turn to vapor while inside the food making the food expand and possibly explode.
Mrs. Prepsteader has developed or presented a viable alternative. She used a food dehydrator, stored the dehydrated food in a glass jar, then reduced the air pressure in the jar.
Dehydrators are much less expensive than at home freeze dryers:
What she has done, in essence, is remove most of the water from the food using the dehydrator and then remove the rest of the water using the vacuum pump.
Since there is much less water left in the food after it has processed through the dehydrator, there is a much smaller chance of explosion or expansion of the food.
People may have to repeat the vacuum pump process several times, since the water remaining in the food outgases and must be removed from the container.
You can buy the brake bleeder hand pump from Harbor Freight and Auto Parts Stores.
In fact, it may be possible to combine a food dehydrator and vacuum pump in one machine, with a one button operation. Simply load in the food, the dehydrator, dehydrates the food then one that process is complete the vacuum pump begins to remove all remaining water. (Let's see if the organized stalking system steals this idea as well. I just had another one of my ideas stolen. You know it is thing like this that strengthen my resolve to never teach again)
This is General John G.,... God Bless.
Cheap Prepperoni: When water runs out by Canadian Prepper
Doomsday Preppers S01E07:
What to do in a biosphere/economic collapse situation!
What to do in Medical Emergency Situation: (Do it yourself surgery)https://youtu.be/rvIJv1gMNAg
What to do in a Food/Gatherer Situation: (Hey,... Eat THIS!!)
What to do in a Firearm Situation: (You Feeling Lucky....PUNK)
(Firearms may be a necessity in an isolated or rural environment, since the nearest law enforcement officer may be hours away and it may be difficult to get to your particular location.)
https://youtu.be/F3YCQo01rn4 - (I like the police Helicopter accessory!)
What to do in a Ham Radio Situation: (This is W9GFO,.... over and out)
The $25 BAOFENG UV-5R - The ultimate short distance HAM Radio, it can do almost everything!!
I've been playing around with my BaoFeng and I've listened to local weather radio and recently stumbled upon the Ham Radio Amateurs on the 441+ Mhz.
So spend a couple of Farthings and get yourself a UV-5R dual band Radio!!!
Emergency Ham Radio Series Playlist:
Long Distance Shortwave Radio Series Playlist:
Long Distance Shortwave Propagation 101 Part 3: Solar activity and it's effect of shortwave radio propagation
One more thing about Ham Radio Situation. In a collapse situation, the networks that transmit data from smart phones, internet, cable TV will most likely be nonfunctional. This implies that people may have to use some of the Ham Radio communication methods that rely primarily on the physical characteristics of the earth, atmosphere, sun, etc.
There is another communication method that may still be functional in a collapse situation and that is communication satellites. Since many satellites are in orbit far above the earth, are geostationary, and have their own power supplies, they will be immune to most collapse situations on the surface of earth. Hence preppers can utilize these satellites to communicate with each other and around the world.
What to do in a Stealth Vehicle Situation: (Think Stealth, Act Stealth, Live Stealth, Be Stealth)
What to do in a Fuel Conversion Situation:
In order for your stealth vehicle to be as useful as possible in a collapse situation, it is advisable that it be able to run on almost any combustible liquid or gas. Without access to a steady supply of fuel, eventually mobility will be limited.
The most commonly available fuel for the internal combustion engine is WOOD GAS:
How to build your own Wood Gas powered car!
Click below if you can't see the video above:
Click Below if you can't see the video above:
Look into LPG, CNG, and Flex fuel conversions:
Remember what actually occurred on 9/11:
Architects and Engineers for Truth Video:
Fire Fighters and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video:
Mae Brussell Archive for the Week: Mae Brussell Archive for the week of 2/12/72
Capitalism vs. Socialism Lecture for the Week: Lecture 7
Meteorology Lecture for the Week: Middle Troposphere Troughs and Ridges
Ecology Lecture for the Week: Coevolution among Species
Another Dirty Room S1E10:
GHASTLY GETAWAY : The Best Budget Inn - Havre De Grace, MD
Several reasons why people should obtain stealth vans or RVs!
Phil Hendrie Show for the Week: June 9, 1998
https://www.philhendrieshow.com/ph_episode/jesse-stevenson-archive-pt-31/Jim Sadler comes on the show to discuss road rage. His main point of advice is to simply point a plastic toy gun (with no bullets in it) at whoever makes you mad.
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