Updates for the Week of 7/28/19

https://www.facebook.com/events/448435052621047/permalink/482839352513950/ Background on Area 51 for the week: 1995-08-06 - Dreamland with Art Bell - Comet Hale-Bopp Discovered - Tales from Area 51 - Glenn Campbell.mp3 https://upload.cat/71c2fdb27bbf33d7 Area 51 Viewers Guide!!! How to get to a publicly accessible perimeter, where to go to see the base, etc!!! http://aliensonearth.com/area51/viewersguide/Searchable_Area%2051_Viewer%27s_Guide.pdf !!I'm going, see all of you there!! I just finished reading the following book: https://www.amazon.com/When-All-Hell-Breaks-Loose/dp/142360105X/ There are some really good ideas, here is one: "..Families should develop specific signals to be used among each other that have various meanings depending on the circumstances." "Let's say somebody is at the door...