
Showing posts from July, 2019

Updates for the Week of 7/28/19

Image Background on Area 51 for the week: 1995-08-06 - Dreamland with Art Bell - Comet Hale-Bopp Discovered - Tales from Area 51 - Glenn Campbell.mp3 Area 51 Viewers Guide!!! How to get to a publicly accessible perimeter, where to go to see the base, etc!!! !!I'm going, see all of you there!!               I just finished reading the following book: There are some really good ideas, here is one: "..Families should develop specific signals to be used among each other that have various meanings depending on the circumstances." "Let's say somebody is at the door...

Updates for the Week of 7/21/19

Image !!I'm going, see all of you there!!               DIY Prepperoni: How to Escape, Evade, and Not be noticed Gas Masks and Hazmat Suits are more important than Water, let me explain why. Most people can survive only 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Clearly, breathable air is more important than water and food. The following are not an accessories to a "Get Home" or "Bug Out" bag, they are ESSENTIALS. Hazmat Suits: You don't have to spend 100s of Dollars or Euros for a good gas mask. The following brand new gas masks work just as well for around $31   (I ordered one of these gas masks to place in my get home / bugg out bag)  You can order a Ru...

Updates for the Week of 7/14/19

CounterMeasures for TIs:   There are two things that may be absolutely Critical in a Grid Down situation that most "Get Home" or "Bug Out" Bags miss and they are GAS MASKS and HAZMAT SUITS!! Gas Masks and Hazmat Suits are more important than Water, let me explain why. Most people can survive only 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Clearly, breathable air is more important than water and food. In fact, the type of events that would cause the grid to fail over a large geographic area, for an extended period of time are Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear events. Even EMP attacks, that affect a large geographic area, involve nuclear weapons. Due to geoengineering (and other pollutants) the ozone layer is being decimated. Hence, the earth's surface is more susceptible to EMP damage from a CME event (Coronal Mass Ejectio...

Update for the Week of 7/7/19

CounterMeasures for TIs: Climate Engineering Lecture for the Week: (Nothing's Gonna Be Alright)  Maybe Dane can do a "Dead Earth Series", in a manner similar to Dan Bell's " Dead Mall Series ". In the Dead Mall Series Malls are devoid of people, in the Dead Earth series, the entire earth is devoid of wildlife. If we keep on polluting and releasing heat trapping pollutants into the earth. Other beings can walk anywhere on earth and find it like a Dead Mall, devoid of people and wildlife!! DIY Prepperoni: UltraLight Fishing Tin, Catch Fish Anywhere DIY Prepperoni: EMP Protection  I found a video with a detailed explanation of the causes of EMP:   I have seen a few videos on youtube regarding EMP and there appears to be a bit of confusion as to what kinds of components will be affected and how they will be affected. So I decided to do a little prelim...