Updates for the Week of 9/1/19

https://www.facebook.com/events/448435052621047/permalink/482839352513950/ Some REAL Classic Art Bell: (Research in UFOs, and Extraterrestrials is what originally led the Organized Stalking Harassment to Escalate! The world power elite: The Private Central Bankers, The Rothschilds, The British Crown, The Vatican, Oil Companies, and all sorts of princes and kings, Secret Societies DO NOT want you to listen!) https://tunein.com/radio/Dreamland-Radio-s285041/ Area 51 Viewers Guide!!! How to get to a publicly accessible perimeter, where to go to see the base, etc!!! http://aliensonearth.com/area51/viewersguide/Searchable_Area%2051_Viewer%27s_Guide.pdf !!I'm going, see all of you there!! Gas Masks and Hazmat Suits: Gas Masks and Hazmat Suits are more important than Water, let me explain why. Most people can survive only 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Clearly, breathable a...