Updates for the Week of 8/25/19
Some REAL Classic Art Bell: (Research in UFOs, and Extraterrestrials is what originally led the Organized Stalking Harassment to Escalate! The world power elite: The Private Central Bankers, The Rothschilds, The British Crown, The Vatican, Oil Companies, and all sorts of princes and kings, Secret Societies DO NOT want you to listen!)
Area 51 Viewers Guide!!!
How to get to a publicly accessible perimeter, where to go to see the base, etc!!!
!!I'm going, see all of you there!!
Though, renewable power technologies require fossil fuels to produce, it is not intrinsic to their production. Rather, it is because the infrastructure that is necessary to mine, transport, process, and refine raw materials into materials for renewable power technologies itself depends on fossil fuels.
Hence, IF we begin to build an infrastructure that does not necessarily need fossil fuels, there will a tipping point where it will be possible to mine, transport, process, and refine raw materials into materials for renewable power using ONLY power provided by renewable power.
Even though the Chemicals used in solar power production are harmful to the environment, they aren't necessarily released into the environment. They can be captured and processed so that they are no longer harmful to the environment and/or recycled so that they can be used again.
Also, solar panels aren't the only method of producing power from the sun, solar steam is another way AND it's production does not require as many harmful chemicals as solar panels. Additionally, the increased radiant heat, increased UV will make solar steam plants MORE efficient because there is more energy available to heat the working fluid.
Furthermore, solar steam plants can be rebuild and reconditioned unlike solar panels.
We can save ourselves as a group, we have more that enough renewable energy resources (in the Americas) to provide for ALL energy needs. Unfortunately, ole buddy, "The Power Elite" don't want that, so we may to save ourselves as individuals.
Gas Masks and Hazmat Suits:
Gas Masks and Hazmat Suits are more important than Water, let me explain why. Most people can survive only 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Clearly, breathable air is more important than water and food.
The following are not an accessories to a "Get Home" or "Bug Out" bag, they are ESSENTIALS.
You don't have to spend 100s of Dollars or Euros for a good gas mask. The following brand new gas masks work just as well for around $31:
(I ordered one of these gas masks to place in my get home / bugg out bag)
You can order a Russian Gas Mask for about $12:
People can buy a Hazmat suit for full body protection against chemical and nuclear attacks for about $83:
Now, a Hazmat suit large enough to contain it's own air supply DOES cost a bit of money around, $1000:
There are Hazmat suits large enough to contain their own air supply, that are a little cheaper, around $475:
Oh, the Canadian Prepper mentioned that it gets warm/hot inside the Hazmat suit. This may hamper your ability to move around and to think clearly in the suit. So I recommend wearing a Cooling Vest underneath the suit, like the one below:
The Ice packs could be replaced with chemical ice packs that turn cold when they are squeezed
Given that July 2019 has been the hottest month on record and that the average global temperature is predicted to keep on increasing, staying cool will become increasingly important.
In that regard, portable air conditioners are NOT efficient
People around the world should use central A/C, window air conditioners OR split air conditioner systems.
Older buildings sometimes have windows that open outward and is not easy to install a window A/C system. In that case it may be best to use a mini-split A/C system:
EMP Protection:
Given that it may be possible that multiple EMP events may take place, separated in time and space. It is critical that people harden electronic devices that may be used after the initial EMP attack. Otherwise the EMP attack after the inital one will damage your backup electronics.
DIY Prepperoni: How to Connect a Generator to Your House, The Easy Way! (Be Careful, you don't want to end up smelling like Hot Dogs)
It is considered unsafe by electricians and does not conform to building standards or code. Yet, IF one takes the proper precautions then it is safe and will work.
It is much less complex and less expensive than installing a generator interlock switch.
This is known as backfeeding one's house with a generator.
This is quite popular in regions of the U.S. that experience Seasonal Hurricanes and other forms of extreme weather.
I have heard on youtube videos that in an urban grid down situation people will be able to hear a running generator from a long distance away and may pose a security threat. Well, there is a solution to that problem simply surround the generator with sound deadening materials like this:
It is quite impressive just how well this generator sound muffler box reduces the decibel level of generator noise.
Doomsday Preppers S02E08:
What to do in Medical Emergency Situation: (Do it yourself surgery)
What to do in a Food/Gatherer Situation: (Hey,... Eat THIS!!)
(Firearms may be a necessity in an isolated or rural environment, since the nearest law enforcement officer may be hours away and it may be difficult to get to your particular location.)
https://youtu.be/F3YCQo01rn4 - (I like the police Helicopter accessory!)
Ham Radio License Education: General Ham Radio License
Part 2.3 General Class:
The Power of Magnetic Loop Antennas:
The power of mag loop comes from it's construction and the frequencies at which it is most often used.
The mag loop configuration responds primarily to the magnetic component of the electromagnetic wave and is very directional. These two qualities allow it to reject local sources of electromagnetic noise at the receiver.
Even if the antenna is not sufficiently large to be considered an effective antenna, the noise floor of most amplifiers at medium wave to low frequency shortwave is far lower than atmospheric noise.
Since the mag loop antenna rejects noise and the amplifiers themselves add very little to the noise, this means that even if the signal if very weak, it can be amplified tremendously, with little noise. Here is a comparison between a Mag Loop and a straight long wire:
Of course one doesn't necessarily have to construct a mag loop, one can simply purchase one on ebay:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/MLA-30-Loop-Antenna-Active-Receiving-Antenna-100kHz-30MHz-for-Short-Wave-Radio/283529483468One more thing about Ham Radio Situation. In a collapse situation, the networks that transmit data from smart phones, internet, cable TV will most likely be nonfunctional. This implies that people may have to use some of the Ham Radio communication methods that rely primarily on the physical characteristics of the earth, atmosphere, sun, etc.
There is another communication method that may still be functional in a collapse situation and that is communication satellites. Since many satellites are in orbit far above the earth, are geostationary, and have their own power supplies, they will be immune to most collapse situations on the surface of earth. Hence preppers can utilize these satellites to communicate with each other and around the world.
What to do in a Fuel Conversion Situation:
In order for your stealth vehicle to be as useful as possible in a collapse situation, it is advisable that it be able to run on almost any combustible liquid or gas. Without access to a steady supply of fuel, eventually mobility will be limited.
The most commonly available fuel for the internal combustion engine is WOOD GAS:
How to build your own Wood Gas powered car!
Click below if you can't see the video above:
Look into LPG, CNG, and Flex fuel conversions:
Architects and Engineers for Truth Video:
Fire Fighters and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video:
Electricity Ultimate Energy Converter
Capitalism vs. Socialism Lecture for the Week: Lecture 17
Mae Brussell Archive for the Week: Mae Brussell Archive for the week of 5/6/72
Electromagnetics Lecture: Theory of Antenna Propagation
Better than anything on TV, Cable or Satellite! These guys should have their own shows on Cable!
Another Dirty Room S2E6:
Cleveland’s Bed Bug Drug Den : The Lancer Motel
Several reasons why people should obtain stealth vans or RVs!Phil Hendrie Show for the Week: Feb 16, 2005
https://www.philhendrieshow.com/ph_episode/wednesday-february-16-2005-2/Hour One:
After preliminary hellos, Phil is joined by Bob Bakian from the Phil Hendrie Show News-Chopper reporting on masses of people embracing in joy and strangers kissing in the street because they just heard the NHL season was cancelled. Phil then goes on to say that in Canada, they don’t allow the NFL to operate so they can keep the Canadian game alive and viable. Phil thinks that’s a good idea and proposes we outlaw hockey here in America because what’s killing it is….America. We then played a listener request flashback featuring Paul “Tubby” Lane and his idea that male fans and their favorite NASCAR drivers should be able to take long walks on beaches and have dinners together to discuss racing without women and their stupid questions intruding. Norm Dunkin, an African-American inventor comes on with the Scrotum Tightener, a device that squeezes so tight a black mans voice gets higher and he sounds like white guy. Perfect for the business traveler who needs to sound white on the phone so he isn’t told “oh, you know what, we are full up tonight.” He also demonstrates the Cobb-O-Matic and…well…you can imagine what that does. Lets just say you can sound like an old person. Perfect for calling dinner theaters and getting a good table. Phil then reads some e-mail about his dead NBC pilot that’s up on the site over to the left there.
Hour Two:
Don Berman from the Channel 19 news room is on to talk about new, stringent FCC guidelines being proposed for broadcasters. He says they are welcome in light of the fact they protect children from indecent or improper material. But he cautions that once you file a complaint about a broadcaster, your name and address becomes public record and the disc jockey or talk show host you helped get fired, already working in a business with unstable people, may fuel himself on Benzedrine and Johnny Walker Black, gain access to your residence in the middle of the night, attack you in your bed and make a mask out of your flesh.
Hour Three:
Coast to Coast with Art Bell starts off the hour with General Johnson Jameson looking into the sun with his “particular dissolver telescope” and seeing some kind of hieroglyphic. He needs help from the listener. A caller decodes it to read “Comb-Over Boy Blows Chimps.” Denny Carlos Shout Out Night features Denny castigating the audience for not being more into the music scene. “Only 18 million of you suckers watched the Grammies. Many of my friends in the music industry were very deeply offended.” Then Phil talks about seeing truckers on the way to work trying to avoid jack-balls who are just begging to get incinerated in the classic car-truck confrontation. A Trucker calls, thanks Phil for his support and then tells Phil he’s just hanging around a rest stop looking for “a boy to share my life with.” On comes Dr. Jim Sadler with a new feature, “The Sadler Moment,” where he tells parents that, of course they shouldn’t kill their children, but there is nothing wrong with reminding them you are capable of it. Build a gallows in the backyard where the kids will see it going to and fro in their daily activities. Jeff Dowder calls to tell Phil and his listeners that the rats on Fear Factor are “de-toothed” so they don’t bite the contestants. He also says Fear factor is bogus unless it challenges two dudes to have sex with each other.
{I still have Phil Hendrie Show recordings that are not available anywhere else on the internet. I am the only person on earth and possibly the universe that has access to the only surviving recordings of these 1997 era Phil Hendrie Show segments. I may be the only sentient being in the universe with access to these show segments, no shape shifting Reptilian, no Grey Alien, no Pleiadian, no human alien hybrid has access to these shows!! Some Reptilian is pounding their claw like fist down on a hard surface, kicking the side of their spacecraft because they don't have access!}
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