Updates for the Week of 11/24/19

I'm back! Sorry for the missing update for last week, I was very busy over here in Phoenix, moving my van, thanksgiving, etc. Off Grid/Prepper Products: (Useful for those around the world experiencing power outages) 3 Simple Ways to Disinfect Water (Very important if one has to leave one's home) How to make a water filter Emergency Communications: Baofeng Radios (Good for communication among people within walking range) CB Radios (Good for longer distance communications) Just in case people or families have to leave their homes due to fires, it may be useful to create bug out bags for the entire family: Bug Out Bags: EMP Protection: Given that it may be possible that multiple EMP events may take place, separated in time and space. It is critical that people harden electronic devices that may be used after the initial EMP attack. Otherwise the EMP attack after the initial one will d...