Updates for the Week of 12/29/19
TI Conference Call for Dec 25, 2019 Geoengineering Off Grid/Prepper: The following video presents survival kits for passengers in a private light aircraft that had to make an unscheduled or crash landing in an isolated area. The contents and uses of these kits could also be applied to prepper "bug out" or "survival" bags. Aircrew Survival: Survival Kits, Rafts, Accessories ~ 1990 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Training Film from Jeff Quitney on Vimeo . Emergency Communications: Baofeng Crash Course (Good for communication among people within walking range) CB Radios (Good for longer distance communications) Just in case people or families have to leave their homes due to fires, it may be useful to create bug out bags for the entire family: Bug Out Bags: EMP Protection: Given that it may be possible that multiple EMP events may take place, separated in time and space....