Post from Truth Man Website Part 2

Fake Scene - The "News"

There has been a sense, especially in the last 8 years that some, if not most, of the news stories are not authentic. These shootings, disasters, and accidents seem to occur with astonishing regularity and often at awfully convenient times. Sometimes it appears as if these news stories are crafted to harass certain Targeted Individuals. Some people have noticed the presence of "crisis actors", people who are interviewed by certain news channels that appear at different incidences at different times and places. These are supposedly "real people" but the fact that they just happen to be present at nearly every shooting, train derailment, and natural disaster, makes it appear quite artificial.

The whole world is but one big reality show!

This brings up another point, it could very well be that the "reality" of these incidences spans a continuum from completely artificial to authentic. If we focus on the possibly completely artificial incidences, then it must require extensive preparation meaning, someone somewhere must choose the place and time for the incident to take place. Then "crisis actors" must be put into position before the incident is to take place. They must have some preparation beforehand, especially those responsible for causing the incident, it could also be that "crisis actors" simply "play along", taking their cue from the incident itself. In essence, some type of preparation must take place. This brings up another question, exactly how many "real people" are at these incidences as compared to "crisis actors"? If there are at least one or two real people who witnessed the incident, then wouldn't they claim it was "fake", unless the system took care to make the incident appear real, using guns that shoot blanks, squibs on people who supposedly get shot, etc? Not to mention that if these incidences are "fake" then wouldn't a competent investigator be able to determine that no one actually died or got shot? - What does that tell us about law enforcement!

If I had to make a reasonable guess, I would say that in order to ensure that no one finds out that at least some of these incidences are "fake", whoever is orchestrating these incidences must have significant control over nearly every aspect of the incident. To minimize the risk of "real people" revealing the truth, I would guess that near the time of the incident, the area is flooded with "crisis actors" who may have been told ahead of time what may occur at least in very general terms, and also what to say and how to emote. (Though I would say that many of these "actors" may consider taking more classes).

These "crisis actors" tend to share many characteristics with "perps" from organized stalking. They tend to appear like "regular people", they both engage in a kind of theater, street theater for "perps", and they both engage in false conversations, "directed conversations" for "perps" and false or vague descriptions for "crisis actors". Finally, they tend to appear quickly and en masse, it occurs so quickly and so uniform that any "TI" can tell it is artificial.

Dare I say "crisis actors" may be "perps" and "perps" may be "actors" of a sort.
I saw two youtube videos that really caught my attention, one of them was by a conspiracy researcher and the other was an interview with DMX hip hop artist. The theme common to both was "fake" researchers and artists. The conspiracy researcher commented that many supposed "experts" on weather manipulation were appearing on the "conspiracy scene", out of nowhere and in very short amount of time were given significant amounts of exposure in the media. For example they made the rounds with the more well known radio and internet conspiracy shows like Coast to Coast, and others, they may have book deals, videos, etc. DMX made a comment that I thought was interesting, hip hop artist Tupac Shakur "went to California" and in a short amount of time received tremendous attention in the media and sold many albums.

I thought about this and I didn't really understand the full implications until today (10/23/2017). Most real people, real researchers, real scientists, real artists know that it is very difficult to get any type of attention in the major media and that it may take years toiling away in obscurity before one gets even the slightest mention and most never get any exposure in the major media. The point is that most "real" people have a presence in their own "scene", whether it be the internet, publishing scientific papers, amateur music scene, that may span years if not decades before they get any exposure in the media. Hence, when someone that has not had a significant prior presence in the scene, whom no one in the scene has heard of, in very short amount of time receives significant exposure in the media, will appear artificial to most people in the scene.

It could be happen that some researcher has been toiling away in isolation, reading books, visiting internet sites, watching videos, and then one day decides to go public. Yet even in this case, if the researcher is real, the researcher may have to spend considerable time spreading the word on the internet, in public, on radio, on facebook, twitter, contacting book publishers before he/she can even be considered to be interviewed in the major media. Hence, even working in isolation a researcher must build up some kind of prior presence online.

In regards to music, what makes Tupac appear artificial could be that no one knew of him in Oakland before he made it "big". Most real artists are known to their local communities, they knew the person in junior high, high school, at parties, always trying to compete, putting out their own music or tapes, always telling people about what they are doing. People can see them develop, see them perform, etc from elementary school, all the way to college. So for someone to appear and in a few short years make it big is very very artificial.

Yet, another indication of artificiality is funding. Most real people, who haven't had significant exposure in the media, have "day jobs", whether it be at an office, serving coffee, pouring concrete, putting up drywall, spell and grammar checking textbooks, most people have to work for a living. So, when one sees a researcher going here and there, spending time here or there, and the claims to be real, the question must arise, how are they paying their expenses? If they haven't had significant media exposure, chances are the returns on book sales or website subscriptions might be quite low. Scientists can at times obtain funding, though the sources are very limited, most research scientists at universities have to work teaching students and grading papers. I don't know of any fund allotted to do research in conspiracies, hence, when one sees a conspiracy researcher who spends all of his or her time researching with no day job, the appearance is very artificial.

I have found that most people are afraid to be "themselves". By this I mean sincere reactions without manipulation by the organized stalking system. It appears that most people are afraid they may be considered to be not too intelligent, not too cultured, not too creative, bland, boring, they may be afraid of saying the wrong thing, or of looking like a "rube".  So they allow the organized stalking system to guide them so as to appear the opposite of everything they wish to hide about themselves.  Though anyone who is a TI or familiar with the organized stalking system, can see through it readily, easily and once the artificiality is detected, then the very opposite of what you intended is what is portrayed.  So just be yourself.

As has been said time and again: follow the money.

What John Judge said is accurate: If you have heard of someone usually that means they are no good.
I found the youtube video about fake researchers (this isn't the exact video I saw BUT, it is from the same person. In fact I believe that the person may have changed his video, I can no longer find it. They may have gotten to him, may he rest in "perpetude".) - Update I found the video I saw, it is from a person named Richie From Boston:
He may be real, though I haven't seen enough of his videos to make a decision either way.
I believe I may have an explanation as to why EMT (Emergency Medical Technicians, paramedics in other words), Fire Fighters, and Law Enforcement Authorities appear to be part of the organized stalking system. The reason I say this is because many TI's often note that sirens are often used to harass them while at home or on the street. Often when TI's are walking in public, an EMT, Fire Truck, or Law Enforcement vehicle will turn on it's sirens and drive as if responding to an incident. Consider the following, often the first responders to any incident are EMT, Fire Response, or Law Enforcement. If at least some of these "shootings" or "incidents" are completely fake, then any competent first responder would eventually and very quickly determine that the entire incident was staged, no bullets were actually fired, no person was actually harmed. This implies that in order to stage a successful "incident" any and all first responders would need to have prior knowledge of the "incident" and/or would need to know how to identify and "play along" when responding to a staged event. Hence, this implies that many if not most first responders would have contact with or would be part of the system staging fake incidents.

Since "crisis actors" may actually be "perps" and since the first responders have contact with "crisis actors" and "play along" or cover up for them, that implies that their exists a connection between first responders, crisis actors, and possible "perps". Since "perps" are implicated in organized stalking, this implies that first responders are also part of the organized stalking program. Here is a diagram
First Responders -> Crisis Actors = Perps -> Organized Stalking system, Hence
First Responders -> Organized Stalking system.

I don't need to see anymore of these females in tights, just leave me alone, stop organized stalking, stop trying to be something you are not, just stop it! I would rather have my freedoms, civil rights, liberties than a couple of broads!! (Someone apparently modified the wording on this webpage, I distinctly remember using the word "broad", I'm not referring to all women, just those associated with organized stalking, in other words female "perps")

I believe that this corrupt system has been stealing ideas from everyone, not just myself, for decades. It has been only with the advent of the internet and concentrated video media services like youtube that we became aware of this practice. In order to protect the legacy of those who received much public acclaim and recognition for ideas they didn't develop, this system MUST get rid of the people they stole the ideas from, that way these people cannot then ruin the legacy of fake researchers. So, in essence, this corrupt, murderous system extracts as much value as they can from a person or a generation of people and then when they are done with them, they throw them away like an orange peel. Well, I have news for you, that won't happen with me.

People may say "oh you are a hidden misogynist", my response is no, I dislike most people regardless of race, gender, class, education, attractiveness or attractiveness, intelligence, ability, impairment, basically regardless of any human variation. After what I have been through the last 10 years, I have developed a good sense of misanthropy.

Someone posted an illuminating comment under the "crisis actor" video on youtube on 11/5/17, indicating that the woman appeared to have had a wireless microphone on her person. The reason for this conclusion is because we can hear everything she says even when she turns around from the camera and she doesn't appear to holding a microphone. This inspired an idea, what if we use voice analysis software to quantify the correlation between the women in the different videos. In this manner we can establish with a fair amount of certainty whether or not the women portrayed by the
major media as being different are in actuality the same woman.

There is yet another sign that person may be a "perp" and that is their name. There has been a literal explosion of people with Odd surnames in the last 10 years. Names like Mel Motel (is that a real family name "motel"?), Wolf Blitzer (family named Blitzer, really?),  Osarto (I have never heard of the Osarto family name, sounds made up), Chinchilla (really someone named after a rodent?). This could be yet another indication that a person is a "perp" or a crisis actor. There have always been eccentric names but, not in the numbers that we have seen in the last 10 years, not only are there more people with odd surnames but, the surnames themselves do not appear to come from traditional origins. Motel, Chinchilla, Blizter do not appear to come from traditional origins of trade, or location, etc. So, if you meet someone with a surname that you have never heard of, whose origins are unclear, and sounds "made up", then be on the alert.


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