Post from Truth-Man Website Part 1

I have never taken part in and am not knowingly taking part in any operation directed by the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex, nor have I ever joined any group that I knew had ties with, was influenced by, funded by military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex. About the only group I am part of that may have ties with the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex is Catholicism. I am not a practicing Catholic and I was baptized and confirmed when I was child. I was not aware at the time of the ties that the Cath-Church has with the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex. 

Honestly at the time me and many others in the classroom were thinking who is this "creep" talking about the Archdiocese, it was the early 90s and having an attitude was in vogue. Though in retrospect I recall the Priest talking to the class had a walking staff and he made an interesting comment to the effect "it's not as if this staff has a communication device in direct contact with the Pope". At the time we just thought he was trying to be funny but, maybe, possibly he could have been making an indirect reference to the massive spying complex that was in place even as early as 1990!! (Thinking back, I think the person who came to talk to us was an Archbishop, apparently it was big deal or something.)

 I notice that whenever I mention the pope and events from my past the organized stalking system begins to "strike back" and harass me, that may indicate that indeed the Vatican may play an important role in organized stalking.

Often the organized stalking system escalates harassment anytime it detects criticism of the system. What those behind organized stalking don't understand, is that this very system naturally provokes critical responses from the general public. For example, this system wants to emphasize typical "middle class" values, appearance, thoughts, housing, cars, motivations, goals, etc. It wants to return to the 40's, 50's, and 60's in terms of culture. The biggest problem is that even if everyone thought, said, felt, did, believed whatever the system wanted, it could not possibly provide or even allow everyone to pursue basic needs, let alone a typical middle class lifestyle. There are not enough resources to sustain the corrupt American middle class, let alone the entire world. That implies that the goals of this system are untenable, they cannot possibly be attained in this current paradigm, so this is why I resist this system.

Furthermore, how can those in positions of influence, spanning from the local to the global, expect special attention and consideration, if the average person can see that those who get ahead didn't do so because of hard work, talent, or merit but, simply because they were loyal to the power structure? This naturally brings about criticism. Not to mention that the decisions they do make often are shortsighted, have significant negative consequences, and often leave the country and population in a position worse that before? How can they not expect criticism and dissent?

I have noticed in the last couple of days (11/13/17) that anytime I post on youtube using my typical avatar the surveillance system retaliates by escalating the organized stalking or altering my email passwords. I tell you they are a sadistic bunch, unable to let go of their privileges and position.
I have never and am not knowingly receiving information from the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex. I cannot see what you are doing right now, I cannot hear what you are saying right now, and I do not know what you are thinking right now, nor have I ever been given the "privilege" of doing so. I do not know about your past, nor about your future, I do not know who you are related to, nor do I know what shows you watch, music you listen to, or the books you read if you read, nor do I know what you did in bed. Those who are given information about you in real time, possibly through implants, are "perps". 

If at any time you hear or see someone whether it be a radio talk show host, a TV personality, a movie actor, a person on the street, a politician, a government official, etc making specific, repeated references to what you are seeing or have seen, saying or have said, or thinking or have thought while in private, that is usually a sign that they are a "perp" and are part of the system. Sometimes figures in the major media are willing to admit publicly that they are knowingly a part of the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex. 

Most are not willing to admit or in fact, go into denial. It is a good idea to ask a person, especially if they are well known, if they have ever knowingly participated in a military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex operation. Are they willing to take a lie detector test? How about a neural monitoring test? Can we conduct  a thorough background investigation? I am willing, anytime, anywhere, though I have to ensure that the machines and data are not altered. people can verify I am not nor have I ever been part of the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex. Are you willing to do that?

What you read here is my opinion, interspersed with factual, accurate information. My opinion is not knowingly influenced by the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex, and I try to find factual, accurate information that as close to truth as possible. In cases where the concept of truth doesn't apply I try to be as accurate as possible.  I have not mortgaged the lives of people as yet unborn, like most of the people in the major media.
For those who do have ties with the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex and who can see what I am doing, can hear what I am saying, and can read my thoughts right now, you can check for yourself the accuracy of my prior statements and you can verify for yourself that I am telling the truth. 

Many of those who can see what you are doing, can hear what you are saying, and can read what you are thinking often want to insinuate or make it seem as if it a psychic power. Psychics may exist but, for most of these "perps", most of the time the information they receive is gathered using advanced technology, I have tested it. Some may insinuate that they are simply extrapolating and guessing at your activities and thoughts, once again this is a partial truth, it is too specific and too accurate to be a guess. It seems as if the most visible major media figures are the ones who always protect the system, they cover up for the system, they deny for the system, they lie, corrupt, cheat, and steal for the system. Finally, this system also uses the information they gather from your private life to reinforce certain prejudicial worldviews about what people are capable of and what you are allowed to be given credit for. Sometimes small minded, provincial people from isolated small town use the information given to them by the system as an indirect way to feel superior to someone they think, should naturally be inferior. 

Well I have news for them, it's over, and they can feel good, not feel good, they can like it, not like it, they can be from Texas, the Midwest, they can be from the Europe, they can be some old wasted Oil Corporate fade from the middle east, or some even older, even more wasted, even more faded lump from Israel, I don't give a rat's patoot. You can call me "Indian", "bean", "arab", "brown", "brown town" all you want but it doesn't matter, you will shrink back to the person nature meant you to be. These are people who can't put a sock on in the morning without help from the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex. They can't put a shoe on without taking a shot of something. What are you going to do? Are you going to cause another incident, another shooting?? Is that the only way you can get attention, though shootings and massacres? Even with help from the military- industrial-corporate- secret society-banker complex you are still not original, not creative, not innovative, and yet you strut as IF you have actually done something.

I made a T-shirt with the words "Stop Organized Stalking:

I also made a magnetic bumper sticker to place on the rear of my car (on the trunk):

I also made a car sun shade for the windshield with words "Stop Organized Stalking" and a link to this website:

The envious and insecure are always trying to find ways to one up certain groups of people. The system seems to react anytime I help other real TI's. 

Beware there are many Fake TIs, they are as fake as it gets, and that is as real as it is. Be careful when they use or display the word "love", for if they are as a fake as it gets that word "love" is actually something serious, something addictive.

It appears that Dick Cheney may be one of the main proponents and supporters of organized stalking. Anytime I criticize him, even to this very day, the organized stalking escalates. Ole Cheney is in truest sense of the word, an "old fade", can't wait till his soul is winging it's way to everlasting perdition. It has been rumored that he has blackmail information on a significant number of important people and possibly the public at large. Much of the time it has to do with Adult Materials and Sexual Activity of the people in question. I think Dick Cheney may have drunk water polluted with the toxic chemicals used in fracking, all that stuff backed him up and it is now affecting his thinking.

Together the Perps may fight, but the question is, what are you fighting for? Do you even know? Are you willing to tell the general public? If you can't then that means there is something wrong with what you are doing. If you are "Christian" and a "perp", then how can you deem yourself as "good" and Christ-Like when you are out and about engaging in street theater, engaging in directed conversations, manipulating innocent people, etc? Would Jesus engage in street theater? Would Jesus engage in directed conversations? Would Jesus engage in swarming activity? Would Jesus use a directed energy weapon against an innocent person? Would Jesus fly an airplane and spray heavy metal particulates simply to prop up oil companies? Would Jesus bear false witness when it came to the actual cause of the twin towers falling?  Ask yourself honestly would he do any of these things? If not, then you should reconsider whether you are "real" Christian, or simply using "Christianity" as a cover.

"Lie Sandwich" - Stewart Swerdlow

"If you have heard of someone, that usually means they are no good" - John Judge

We have raised an entire generation of "perps".


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