Post from Truth Man Website Part 3
Just to show people I'm not misogynist, I want people to take a look at how some "conservatives" treat women.Read the comments section, you will see many "patriots" praising what that man did to that woman.
It could very well be that both members of the AntiFa and the "Patriots" are "perps".
In order to test this statement, I may attend one of the AntiFa demonstrations. I will attempt to engage in discussion with a number of demonstrators and see how many exhibit signs characteristic of "perps". I will also talk with the "other side" and see if they too are or are not "perps".
Maybe these political activists, on both sides, should instead partake in Oakland's Hoodslam event:
There are some groups of people out there that just don't understand. There is a difference between Fighting for a noble cause, a cause greater than oneself, and fighting for pride or ego. Whatever anyone may say about me, I am still here, and I am unbroken.
I believe there are deeper underlying issues brought up by AntiFA vs. Whoever. It is the difference between urban and rural, West and East Coast Vs. Midwest and South, small towns vs. big cities, educated vs. not so educated, liberal vs conservative, creative and those who don't know what it means, wealthy vs. not so wealthy, those who made it in the cities vs those who had to move away, etc.
Sometimes people couch their arguments in terms of cities and how many cities are dysfunctional or so it seems. Though, I don't there there has ever existed a major city that hasn't had problems, going back to the beginning of cites in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Living in cities is not natural for humans. Any large group of people has nefarious and noble elements within it and everything in between. When these groups live together in a city, it tends to amplify the nefarious groups and the more noble elements and everything in between because they are so concentrated. So of course most cities will tend to have highly concentrated nefarious groups and high concentrated noble groups. I believe that the Internet has brought to light, differences between groups of people that we (those in the U.S. and the world) were not aware of. Before the Internet, people in different parts of the world and country were unaware of how people from other parts lived. Yes, there was TV, radio, telephone BUT people could always say to themselves that it was ALL theater, it was not real. Not to mention that much of entertainment was "homogenized" and carefully crafted so as to not offend the sensibilities of anyone watching.
When computers and Internet access because ubiquitous all of sudden everyone could talk to everyone else, and eventually people could see the very real differences that existed between people and their backgrounds. At one time people believed their towns and their life experiences were in some way unique and exemplified the way life should be, until we had contact with others.
What is considered acceptable or unacceptable in a neighborhood, city, town, state, country is for most is a matter of opinion. So don't simply believe everything you read, see, or hear about any city or rural area. Go to the city or rural area and experience it for yourself, walk down the streets, talk to the people, go to their local "hang out spots", take measure of the mood, the atmosphere, etc.
State Rankings
Now, before people think, I think that my "things" don't smell, living in noticeable states and cities in the U.S. has some serious disadvantages, especially in our current political environment. States that are noticeable and have what are deemed important cities, like New York, like Maryland, like CA may be the first to be attacked in a nuclear strike false flag attack. Furthermore, due to now unstoppable anthropogenic climate change and possible increases in the use of fossil fuels like coal, extensive sea level rise is not only a possibility but is now a certainty. This implies that many coastal cities and communities will eventually become flooded for the foreseeable future:
Sea Level Rise
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