Post from Truth Man Website Part 4
The U.S. may no longer be a democracy:
Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip - Winston Churchill (I guess we better get the GPS coordinates to that hot spot)
If you are scientist or engineer working for any national laboratory or any corporation that supports any aspect of the defence industry you have a responsibility to resign and not help this corrupt and murderous government. All governments are corrupt to some extent and this government is the most corrupt of all.
After what the U.S. has done to me and taken from me and other Americans, I really believe that maybe it is best to let the U.S. drop and rot in the hot spot. It no longer matters what "the U.S." promises or what "recompense" the U.S. can offer, from my experience it never equals what they took or what they did and since so much of the U.S. is role/bank scene you can't trust any of what they say or even do.
It doesn't matter how much people or the culture "pretends" to change, after what we have seen in the last 10 years it is apparent that the the U.S. has gone or always been mostly perp scene and is beyond any form of help nor does it deserve any form of help. Do we actually believe that the perps who roamed the country in the last 10-20 years will simply disappear? No, they are still there, watching, spying, "perping", "faking", pretending, acting, creating fake scene just waiting to be activated. So excuse me for saying this but F**k the U.S.
The U.S. is like the guy who crashed into a vat of toxic waste, in Robocop 1 (1987 version) and is stumbling around asking for help but all we can say is "get away from me man"!
There is yet another reason why this corrupt system cannot publicly admit to organized stalking. By admitting that targeted individuals do exist they are admitting that the technology and infrastructure to determine what almost anyone is saying, doing, or thinking also exists. Furthermore, since most targeted individuals indicate that the stalking occurred suddenly it leads people to believe that most Americans and possibly most people in the Western world are being monitored continuously. In essence, targeted individuals may serve as evidence that all of us, not just TI's, are being monitored all the time. The experience of TI's also show that a significant number of the population is also part of the surveillance system. Finally the existence of TI's serve as a warning to the rest of the population that is NOT part of the Faux Scene, hanging at least a little bit with Mr. Kleen, what could happen to them if they criticize the government.
There is one thing this government or any government will never, never, never, never, never do and that is admit, in an official, public, prime time forum on major media that the most of the causes for global climate change is anthropogenic. Actions speak louder than words, admitting to the anthropogenic factors in climate change as the main factors is an action that can serve to prove to people that this government is worth saving.
I find it interesting that anytime I even think or mention admitting that the main factor for climate change is anthropogenic all of sudden a car or a person gets into my field of vision with the words "No" or "NOPA" clearly written, indicating that NO they won't admit to the anthropogenic factors in climate change and that "NO" they won't build the massive solar power array or stop geoengineering. It seems to me that the powers that be only listen when you tell them what they wanted to hear, in that case then why ask for advice or guidance in the first place? If things can't change just be honest.
Actually since the global average (underline that word many times) temperature over the last 2 decades, indicates that temperatures are rising, the U.S. and the world will slowly turn into........ "The Hot Spot" HA! More and more the U.S. and the world is slowly displaying properties that have more in common with the underworlds of most religions:
1. Global Mean Average Temperature is rising which implies stronger more intense storms and due to chemical Ice nucleation extreme cold. So we have extremes of temperatures and storms.
2. The torment for targeted individuals is often mental and physical.
3. Many "perps" are walking around in a dulled state unaware of who they are or what they are or what they were. This is very similar to the souls of the dead in the underworld Tartarus from Greek Mythology. Looks like Hades and his wife are their gods.
4. Due to the presence of stratospheric aerosol injection, solar radiation management, more of the sun's rays are reflected away from the earth. So in a manner earth shares another similarity with Tartarus.
4. Those at or near the top of the hierarchy are capable of committing extreme acts of torture, murder, pedophilia beyond the imagination of most people. Who does this sound like - The demons of Satanus!
5. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, indeed! Paving roads made transportation by automobile possible for a significant number of people. Most automobiles use gasoline as their primary fuel source hence, operating an automobile releases much carbon into the atmosphere, which traps heat, increases global mean average temperature, and whose effects on politics is turning the world into the Hot Spot Ver 2.0.1!!
I find it amusing that the primary motivation behind the events of the last 20 years was primarily religious, possibly Judeo-Christian, and yet the end result is the Rege Satanas!! - HA!
Also it appears that at least some of powers behind the predominance of oil as a primary transportation fuel are Kings or Royalty of some sort, whether from England, Sweden, Central Europe or Saudi Arabia. Oh how we bow down, kowtow, and furrow our brow to a bunch of Punks in a purple robes. They better have or get the blues, I really do hope they are the last kings. Though, they may under the influence of another higher power called private central bankers and we know who they may be, hmm, I wonder who? Last kings, last bankers.
Finally, just in case people have not noticed it appears that entertainment industry has been taken over by not only a new generation but, a new generation from a different region of the U.S. namely the rural areas and the south. I can tell many are of Scots-Irish Extraction, super pale skin, with Northern Scotland-Ireland facial features, (they look different from other types of Northern Europeans. ). I can also tell that their artistic sensibilities (music, movies, visual arts) and even intellectual sensibilities (mathematics, demotion of physics as the fundamental physical science, and a completely weird sense of Engineering) have come to dominate the U.S.. It's that old looks vs. brains thing.
It also appears that those who own or run Walmart, the Walton family, out of all corporations, appear to have some influence on the U.S. culture. It is the largest company by revenue and I often see Walmart Semi-Trailer Trucks at awfully convenient times. It is not as obvious as other forms of harassment but, it could be that the Walton family is attempting to impose their values on certain regions of the U.S.
I have seen a cultural trend in the last 20 years here in the U.S. and abroad that emphasizes values, that are considered to be those appropriate for a mature adult. This not only covers work, saving money, planning ahead, or paying bills but, also attempts to emphasize what they consider to be appropriate personal appearance, speech, dress, sense of humor, music and reinforce personality traits which "they" consider to be appropriate for an adult.
In essence what the imagineers attempted to do is identify as many traits as they possibly could associated with the "baby boomers" and "urban culture" and invert them. Hence, the emphasis is on "creating" the values of the "Millennials" derived from "rural culture". This not only attempted to invert the more intellectual values or works but also the more emotive and artistic values and works. This requires a keen insight into identifying what makes any art piece, TV show, movie, book, music genre, Talk Show, vocabulary, even scientific work a part of or derived from the previous generation's values or philosophy and inverting it. Though, there is one aspect of nearly all previous generations here in the U.S. and the world that hasn't been inverted for at least the last 100 years and that is the "cultural Brahmans" themselves, the intelligence agencies, the secret societies, the private central bankers, etc, their values, philosophies, and beliefs have NOT been inverted.
If those at the top of the hierarchy wish to invert everything from the previous generation, then be consistent, you must also invert the influence and power of the deep state, the "cultural Brahmans", the private central bankers, who "created" and guided the previous generation(s).
There is yet another reason for the predominance of "rural values" or "southern values", as usual it comes down to money. Most of the coal deposits used for energy production is in the limestone near the Appalachia, and since the most wealthy southern state Texas has significant business interests and investments in oil, it is no wonder that it has been their values that predominated.
Oil and the use of fossil fuels came into widespread use during the "baby boomer" generation. It was during the 50s that the concept of suburbia was created and advocated, made possible by freeways, paved roads, cars, and most importantly cheap oil. Take note that the "cultural Brahmans" have or tried to invert nearly every "baby boomer" generation value EXCEPT for the use of Oil and fossil fuels. This is an awfully convenient inconsistency, they're inverting everything except the use of fossil fuels, what does that tell us?
In fact it is the material accouterments from previous generations that remain and are replaced when a better product is produced or when it runs out. Whether it be oil, computers, mobile electronic device, semiconductor, or any technology or science, that is usually not "inverted". So, the question comes down to how should we proceed? If we focus on the changes brought about by the ubiquitous access to computers and the Internet, we can discern some of the aspects of the Internet that brought about the greatest reaction and pushback from the power elite. It is in this very aspect that I believe we can find the way forward. In many cases, dare I say most cases, the information that brings about the most pushback from the power elite, is the information that not only contains the most amount of truth or accuracy but that also makes connections or defensible arguments between disparate facts and observations. The most threatening information is that which is most independently testable.
So we see the way forward, the ultimate inversion of the deep state, and that is the emphasis on a sincere and honest ability to grasp and understand the truth or at least the most accurate narrative of reality. This is different from simply expressing an opinion, people often confuse the expression of opinion with truth. This is also different from subtly constructing a "lie sandwich". This is also different from simply saying that all statements are equal, or that truth doesn't exist or that it is an impossible concept. Sincerity begins with the importance of data and checking both the data and the instruments. Honesty begins with checking every single statement, every single word, every single concept, to see if there are any contradictions, to see if they accord with data, to see if they can be independently verified, to see if they can be investigated further, to see if they can be tested, to make logically rigorous deductions that are testable and plausible logical inductions that are also testable. Truth begins begins with testability, falsifiability, and independent Honest testing, no altering data to fit a preconceived outcome, no omission of data, etc. People must remember that dishonest testing or statements can be revealed through independent testing. If someone makes a statement that they claim is supported by testable data, and I perform the exact same study and I find otherwise, then we have a problem.
Can I check every single statement for accuracy? Is it consistent within the range of application of accepted, testable, theories? Can I look for every possible way we can think of, to falsify data, an event, a sighting and test each to ensure that it hasn't taken place? What is proof, how is it defined, how do we know we have Proved something because that is another word that is bandied about as if people know what they are talking about. Proof, so much Proof!!!
Not only is it enough to tell the truth, one must be willing to tell or admit the truth about everything. Some are so cavalier with telling some truths but, cower in fear when it comes to admitting all truth, especially about their personal lives. Those are the spots that the organized stalking system exploits, it finds events in one's personal lives that most would be unwilling to admit publicly and uses them as a poker to move people along.
This is especially true of figures in the major media, they are so willing to be honest about their opinions of world events, politics, their motivations and their profession, and yet when a listener points out that major media figure is making specific, repeated references to what one is saying, doing, or thinking in the privacy of one's own residence, while one is listening or watching them they deny, deny, deny!! This is the challenge of the new age, can you admit the truth about everything? Is the admission of all truths able to stand up to investigation, reverse speech, and possible remote neural monitoring?
I remember one radio talk show in particular where the host and nearly every single caller was making specific, repeated, references to what I was thinking saying or doing, in 2012-2015, while I was listening to the show and that is the Art Bell show from 7-29-1998 and 7-30-1998! Mr. Bell was taking calls from people who allegedly were time travelers using a machine. Nearly every caller made specific, repeated, references to what I was saying, doing, or thinking in 2012-2015! This isn't limited to Art Bell, other talk show hosts, professors, professors from the teaching company, news reporters, actors, random people in the street, students, even animals also take part in the harassment!
This phenomena still occurs today, (Oct 14, 2017) though with much less regularity, it often occurs if I think of a thought they don't like or something.
I am currently working on a paper to finish my master's thesis, the topic is a more or less survey of the physics and simulation methods used in proton radiotherapy. It has been difficult going, since anytime work on the paper, the organized stalking system responds and attempts to harass me. It appears as if the organized stalking system wants to "dumb me down" to the level they think is appropriate, they appear to want to reduce or hamper my creativity for their selfish and prejudiced purposes. Sometimes I believe they are trying to make certain people feel better about their lives, and sometimes it appears as if they are harassing me because I attempt to tell the truth about almost everything.
There is a certain group of people who want to be seen as being at the top of a social hierarchy, even though they may not deserve to be there and in order to make themselves appear or feel as if they are the most capable and intelligent and creative they sabotage others whom they believe may make them look as if they lack talent, ability, etc. They have serious insecurity issues, serious issues with cultural differences, serious issues about socioeconomics, serious issues about being isolated and from the desert, serious issues about playing golf. All in all, they need help, much help to address all that darkness and lack of talent inside.
At first I attended ASU for Phd in Physics, I started in 2012 that was near the height of organized stalking. It was very difficult to do well in the PhD program due to the intense harassment, I was lucky to survive with my mind somewhat intact, so I downgraded my expectation to a master's degree. This might make some people smile, some of the more envious and talentless are happy to see me fail in some regards, though I am not done yet. Though a PhD in physics may be impressive to some and lend credibility to the ideas and programs of research proposed by the Phd graduate, it eventually became an obstacle to doing research in areas that most interest me. Not to mention that many of those engaged in research at the Phd level are "perps" as well and they are given ideas from other researchers, if you can believe that. Not having a Phd is a way of discrediting any ideas I propose, though it is based on false logic for the converse is not true. Having a PhD does not imply that the proposed ideas are valid.
Furthermore it limits the institutions in which I can teach. Though, if the Ideas work, are testable, and agree with experiment, then it really doesn't matter if one has a Phd after the name doesn't it? It would be akin to earning a Phd in classical mechanics right before the Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity Revolution. Yea you have a Phd but the science it is based on has been superseded.
In any case, I'll have more time to persue my activism online and in person, I will also have more time to persue exactly what I want to research and more time to help targeted individuals, and I'll have more time to expose those responsible for organized stalking and to bring them to justice in public.
Since Barack Obama escalated the organized stalking program to it current level. I wouldn't mind going to hell if it meant I could see Barack Obama and every republican and democrat "perp" that tortured me and others, cooking, roasting, smouldering, baking alive in the deepest darkest smelliest pit of the 9th ring of everlasting perdition.
It also appears as if religious extremist both Christian and non-Christian had a hand in organized stalking. It is akin to another inquisition, employing organized stalking to torture people to their particular brand of Christianity. Though many "Christians" in more recent times behave like a secret society, hiding the fact that they are Christian, while behaving like "perps". In a certain sense this tactic is reasonable, for how could they reconcile their Christian beliefs with the fact that they lie, cheat, steal, harass, sabotage, and torture innocent people? In that context of course they would want to hide the fact that they are Christians.
So for forgive me for saying this but F**k Jesus and the Christians. What are the Christians going to do, torture me some more? Is that what Christianity is about, torture and fairy tales?
Charity and helping the needy may not only be a waste of time and money but, we may working against a system designed to purposefully keep people poor and destitute. The reason for this conclusion is two fold:
Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip - Winston Churchill (I guess we better get the GPS coordinates to that hot spot)
If you are scientist or engineer working for any national laboratory or any corporation that supports any aspect of the defence industry you have a responsibility to resign and not help this corrupt and murderous government. All governments are corrupt to some extent and this government is the most corrupt of all.
After what the U.S. has done to me and taken from me and other Americans, I really believe that maybe it is best to let the U.S. drop and rot in the hot spot. It no longer matters what "the U.S." promises or what "recompense" the U.S. can offer, from my experience it never equals what they took or what they did and since so much of the U.S. is role/bank scene you can't trust any of what they say or even do.
It doesn't matter how much people or the culture "pretends" to change, after what we have seen in the last 10 years it is apparent that the the U.S. has gone or always been mostly perp scene and is beyond any form of help nor does it deserve any form of help. Do we actually believe that the perps who roamed the country in the last 10-20 years will simply disappear? No, they are still there, watching, spying, "perping", "faking", pretending, acting, creating fake scene just waiting to be activated. So excuse me for saying this but F**k the U.S.
The U.S. is like the guy who crashed into a vat of toxic waste, in Robocop 1 (1987 version) and is stumbling around asking for help but all we can say is "get away from me man"!
There is yet another reason why this corrupt system cannot publicly admit to organized stalking. By admitting that targeted individuals do exist they are admitting that the technology and infrastructure to determine what almost anyone is saying, doing, or thinking also exists. Furthermore, since most targeted individuals indicate that the stalking occurred suddenly it leads people to believe that most Americans and possibly most people in the Western world are being monitored continuously. In essence, targeted individuals may serve as evidence that all of us, not just TI's, are being monitored all the time. The experience of TI's also show that a significant number of the population is also part of the surveillance system. Finally the existence of TI's serve as a warning to the rest of the population that is NOT part of the Faux Scene, hanging at least a little bit with Mr. Kleen, what could happen to them if they criticize the government.
There is one thing this government or any government will never, never, never, never, never do and that is admit, in an official, public, prime time forum on major media that the most of the causes for global climate change is anthropogenic. Actions speak louder than words, admitting to the anthropogenic factors in climate change as the main factors is an action that can serve to prove to people that this government is worth saving.
I find it interesting that anytime I even think or mention admitting that the main factor for climate change is anthropogenic all of sudden a car or a person gets into my field of vision with the words "No" or "NOPA" clearly written, indicating that NO they won't admit to the anthropogenic factors in climate change and that "NO" they won't build the massive solar power array or stop geoengineering. It seems to me that the powers that be only listen when you tell them what they wanted to hear, in that case then why ask for advice or guidance in the first place? If things can't change just be honest.
Actually since the global average (underline that word many times) temperature over the last 2 decades, indicates that temperatures are rising, the U.S. and the world will slowly turn into........ "The Hot Spot" HA! More and more the U.S. and the world is slowly displaying properties that have more in common with the underworlds of most religions:
- Hell, in many religious and folkloric traditions, is a place or state of torment and punishment in an afterlife. The torment is often spiritual and physical, often in a place with burning fire, extreme wetness, or even extreme cold.
1. Global Mean Average Temperature is rising which implies stronger more intense storms and due to chemical Ice nucleation extreme cold. So we have extremes of temperatures and storms.
2. The torment for targeted individuals is often mental and physical.
3. Many "perps" are walking around in a dulled state unaware of who they are or what they are or what they were. This is very similar to the souls of the dead in the underworld Tartarus from Greek Mythology. Looks like Hades and his wife are their gods.
4. Due to the presence of stratospheric aerosol injection, solar radiation management, more of the sun's rays are reflected away from the earth. So in a manner earth shares another similarity with Tartarus.
4. Those at or near the top of the hierarchy are capable of committing extreme acts of torture, murder, pedophilia beyond the imagination of most people. Who does this sound like - The demons of Satanus!
5. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, indeed! Paving roads made transportation by automobile possible for a significant number of people. Most automobiles use gasoline as their primary fuel source hence, operating an automobile releases much carbon into the atmosphere, which traps heat, increases global mean average temperature, and whose effects on politics is turning the world into the Hot Spot Ver 2.0.1!!
I find it amusing that the primary motivation behind the events of the last 20 years was primarily religious, possibly Judeo-Christian, and yet the end result is the Rege Satanas!! - HA!
Also it appears that at least some of powers behind the predominance of oil as a primary transportation fuel are Kings or Royalty of some sort, whether from England, Sweden, Central Europe or Saudi Arabia. Oh how we bow down, kowtow, and furrow our brow to a bunch of Punks in a purple robes. They better have or get the blues, I really do hope they are the last kings. Though, they may under the influence of another higher power called private central bankers and we know who they may be, hmm, I wonder who? Last kings, last bankers.
Finally, just in case people have not noticed it appears that entertainment industry has been taken over by not only a new generation but, a new generation from a different region of the U.S. namely the rural areas and the south. I can tell many are of Scots-Irish Extraction, super pale skin, with Northern Scotland-Ireland facial features, (they look different from other types of Northern Europeans. ). I can also tell that their artistic sensibilities (music, movies, visual arts) and even intellectual sensibilities (mathematics, demotion of physics as the fundamental physical science, and a completely weird sense of Engineering) have come to dominate the U.S.. It's that old looks vs. brains thing.
It also appears that those who own or run Walmart, the Walton family, out of all corporations, appear to have some influence on the U.S. culture. It is the largest company by revenue and I often see Walmart Semi-Trailer Trucks at awfully convenient times. It is not as obvious as other forms of harassment but, it could be that the Walton family is attempting to impose their values on certain regions of the U.S.
I have seen a cultural trend in the last 20 years here in the U.S. and abroad that emphasizes values, that are considered to be those appropriate for a mature adult. This not only covers work, saving money, planning ahead, or paying bills but, also attempts to emphasize what they consider to be appropriate personal appearance, speech, dress, sense of humor, music and reinforce personality traits which "they" consider to be appropriate for an adult.
In essence what the imagineers attempted to do is identify as many traits as they possibly could associated with the "baby boomers" and "urban culture" and invert them. Hence, the emphasis is on "creating" the values of the "Millennials" derived from "rural culture". This not only attempted to invert the more intellectual values or works but also the more emotive and artistic values and works. This requires a keen insight into identifying what makes any art piece, TV show, movie, book, music genre, Talk Show, vocabulary, even scientific work a part of or derived from the previous generation's values or philosophy and inverting it. Though, there is one aspect of nearly all previous generations here in the U.S. and the world that hasn't been inverted for at least the last 100 years and that is the "cultural Brahmans" themselves, the intelligence agencies, the secret societies, the private central bankers, etc, their values, philosophies, and beliefs have NOT been inverted.
If those at the top of the hierarchy wish to invert everything from the previous generation, then be consistent, you must also invert the influence and power of the deep state, the "cultural Brahmans", the private central bankers, who "created" and guided the previous generation(s).
There is yet another reason for the predominance of "rural values" or "southern values", as usual it comes down to money. Most of the coal deposits used for energy production is in the limestone near the Appalachia, and since the most wealthy southern state Texas has significant business interests and investments in oil, it is no wonder that it has been their values that predominated.
Oil and the use of fossil fuels came into widespread use during the "baby boomer" generation. It was during the 50s that the concept of suburbia was created and advocated, made possible by freeways, paved roads, cars, and most importantly cheap oil. Take note that the "cultural Brahmans" have or tried to invert nearly every "baby boomer" generation value EXCEPT for the use of Oil and fossil fuels. This is an awfully convenient inconsistency, they're inverting everything except the use of fossil fuels, what does that tell us?
In fact it is the material accouterments from previous generations that remain and are replaced when a better product is produced or when it runs out. Whether it be oil, computers, mobile electronic device, semiconductor, or any technology or science, that is usually not "inverted". So, the question comes down to how should we proceed? If we focus on the changes brought about by the ubiquitous access to computers and the Internet, we can discern some of the aspects of the Internet that brought about the greatest reaction and pushback from the power elite. It is in this very aspect that I believe we can find the way forward. In many cases, dare I say most cases, the information that brings about the most pushback from the power elite, is the information that not only contains the most amount of truth or accuracy but that also makes connections or defensible arguments between disparate facts and observations. The most threatening information is that which is most independently testable.
So we see the way forward, the ultimate inversion of the deep state, and that is the emphasis on a sincere and honest ability to grasp and understand the truth or at least the most accurate narrative of reality. This is different from simply expressing an opinion, people often confuse the expression of opinion with truth. This is also different from subtly constructing a "lie sandwich". This is also different from simply saying that all statements are equal, or that truth doesn't exist or that it is an impossible concept. Sincerity begins with the importance of data and checking both the data and the instruments. Honesty begins with checking every single statement, every single word, every single concept, to see if there are any contradictions, to see if they accord with data, to see if they can be independently verified, to see if they can be investigated further, to see if they can be tested, to make logically rigorous deductions that are testable and plausible logical inductions that are also testable. Truth begins begins with testability, falsifiability, and independent Honest testing, no altering data to fit a preconceived outcome, no omission of data, etc. People must remember that dishonest testing or statements can be revealed through independent testing. If someone makes a statement that they claim is supported by testable data, and I perform the exact same study and I find otherwise, then we have a problem.
Can I check every single statement for accuracy? Is it consistent within the range of application of accepted, testable, theories? Can I look for every possible way we can think of, to falsify data, an event, a sighting and test each to ensure that it hasn't taken place? What is proof, how is it defined, how do we know we have Proved something because that is another word that is bandied about as if people know what they are talking about. Proof, so much Proof!!!
Not only is it enough to tell the truth, one must be willing to tell or admit the truth about everything. Some are so cavalier with telling some truths but, cower in fear when it comes to admitting all truth, especially about their personal lives. Those are the spots that the organized stalking system exploits, it finds events in one's personal lives that most would be unwilling to admit publicly and uses them as a poker to move people along.
This is especially true of figures in the major media, they are so willing to be honest about their opinions of world events, politics, their motivations and their profession, and yet when a listener points out that major media figure is making specific, repeated references to what one is saying, doing, or thinking in the privacy of one's own residence, while one is listening or watching them they deny, deny, deny!! This is the challenge of the new age, can you admit the truth about everything? Is the admission of all truths able to stand up to investigation, reverse speech, and possible remote neural monitoring?
I remember one radio talk show in particular where the host and nearly every single caller was making specific, repeated, references to what I was thinking saying or doing, in 2012-2015, while I was listening to the show and that is the Art Bell show from 7-29-1998 and 7-30-1998! Mr. Bell was taking calls from people who allegedly were time travelers using a machine. Nearly every caller made specific, repeated, references to what I was saying, doing, or thinking in 2012-2015! This isn't limited to Art Bell, other talk show hosts, professors, professors from the teaching company, news reporters, actors, random people in the street, students, even animals also take part in the harassment!
This phenomena still occurs today, (Oct 14, 2017) though with much less regularity, it often occurs if I think of a thought they don't like or something.
I am currently working on a paper to finish my master's thesis, the topic is a more or less survey of the physics and simulation methods used in proton radiotherapy. It has been difficult going, since anytime work on the paper, the organized stalking system responds and attempts to harass me. It appears as if the organized stalking system wants to "dumb me down" to the level they think is appropriate, they appear to want to reduce or hamper my creativity for their selfish and prejudiced purposes. Sometimes I believe they are trying to make certain people feel better about their lives, and sometimes it appears as if they are harassing me because I attempt to tell the truth about almost everything.
There is a certain group of people who want to be seen as being at the top of a social hierarchy, even though they may not deserve to be there and in order to make themselves appear or feel as if they are the most capable and intelligent and creative they sabotage others whom they believe may make them look as if they lack talent, ability, etc. They have serious insecurity issues, serious issues with cultural differences, serious issues about socioeconomics, serious issues about being isolated and from the desert, serious issues about playing golf. All in all, they need help, much help to address all that darkness and lack of talent inside.
At first I attended ASU for Phd in Physics, I started in 2012 that was near the height of organized stalking. It was very difficult to do well in the PhD program due to the intense harassment, I was lucky to survive with my mind somewhat intact, so I downgraded my expectation to a master's degree. This might make some people smile, some of the more envious and talentless are happy to see me fail in some regards, though I am not done yet. Though a PhD in physics may be impressive to some and lend credibility to the ideas and programs of research proposed by the Phd graduate, it eventually became an obstacle to doing research in areas that most interest me. Not to mention that many of those engaged in research at the Phd level are "perps" as well and they are given ideas from other researchers, if you can believe that. Not having a Phd is a way of discrediting any ideas I propose, though it is based on false logic for the converse is not true. Having a PhD does not imply that the proposed ideas are valid.
Furthermore it limits the institutions in which I can teach. Though, if the Ideas work, are testable, and agree with experiment, then it really doesn't matter if one has a Phd after the name doesn't it? It would be akin to earning a Phd in classical mechanics right before the Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity Revolution. Yea you have a Phd but the science it is based on has been superseded.
In any case, I'll have more time to persue my activism online and in person, I will also have more time to persue exactly what I want to research and more time to help targeted individuals, and I'll have more time to expose those responsible for organized stalking and to bring them to justice in public.
Since Barack Obama escalated the organized stalking program to it current level. I wouldn't mind going to hell if it meant I could see Barack Obama and every republican and democrat "perp" that tortured me and others, cooking, roasting, smouldering, baking alive in the deepest darkest smelliest pit of the 9th ring of everlasting perdition.
It also appears as if religious extremist both Christian and non-Christian had a hand in organized stalking. It is akin to another inquisition, employing organized stalking to torture people to their particular brand of Christianity. Though many "Christians" in more recent times behave like a secret society, hiding the fact that they are Christian, while behaving like "perps". In a certain sense this tactic is reasonable, for how could they reconcile their Christian beliefs with the fact that they lie, cheat, steal, harass, sabotage, and torture innocent people? In that context of course they would want to hide the fact that they are Christians.
So for forgive me for saying this but F**k Jesus and the Christians. What are the Christians going to do, torture me some more? Is that what Christianity is about, torture and fairy tales?
Charity and helping the needy may not only be a waste of time and money but, we may working against a system designed to purposefully keep people poor and destitute. The reason for this conclusion is two fold:
- 1. Many targeted individuals began as moderately successful middle class to upper middle class people. Once the organized stalking escalated they gradually slid down the gradients into poverty and some into homelessness. Some TI's speculate that homelessness may be one of the goals of the organized stalking system. This implies that it is useless for someone unaware of organized stalking to try to help these people, since the entire government-military-corporate system has decided to keep that person homeless and destitute.
- 2. Another problem is resources. This system has decided on a primary set of energy sources, which are not only finite in amount but also only produce energy at a finite rate. The finite rate sets limits on the number of people that can live at subsistence level AND it also sets strict limits on those who can possibly ever be considered middle class. Hence, this system not only allows people to be destitute and poor but it requires that certain be poor and destitute for generations. So in conclusion, in this system, it is useless to try to uplift the destitute, the needy, the poor, and the homeless. As long as oil is the primary transportation fuel source, this system will NEVER be able to provide for everyone, and in this context it is useless to help those that the system requires to be poor.
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