Post from Truth Man Website Part 8

Stop Organized Stalking

It appears that anytime I mention organized stalking on youtube or anywhere else all of a sudden the president takes action? This is a testable prediction, currently the congress is deciding whether or not to eliminate net neutrality. I can predict with a fair amount of accuracy that if reveal enough people, who I believe to be organized stalking perps on youtube, within a couple of hours those that support the organized stalking system, will eliminate net neutrality. Where will it stop? What will the government going to do next, declare martial law, rescind basic civil rights?

So I guess we better be quiet? Let the powers that be do whatever they want? Let the forces of complete and utter darkness win? Let evil gods win?

In any case, with the ubiquitous availability of inexpensive communications technology we can start our own internet, I guess we can reinvent the internet. Run cable, set up wireless communication. Just in case they get a wild hair in their rears, we should prepare.

It appears that one of the goals of organized stalking and remote neural monitoring is to impair the cognitive and problem solving abilities of the general public. Besides impairing our ability to think they also want to "condition" behaviors and reactions that will lead to the isolation of the targeted individual. This could be an extreme sensitivity to conditioned response objects, for example if you see a correlation between a color, a shape, a word, a name brand AND remote neural monitoring and/or perp activity, then the targeted individual may develop an extreme reaction to the display of such objects even if the intention was not to harass the person.

Yet another more nefarious strategy is to condition responses in the individual that are stereotypical of the negatively perceived traits of that individual's race, ethnic group, gender, or any other human variation. In essence, the system is attempting to create, in the person, thought processes that reinforce the the negatively perceived traits of their group. They are trying to make the person fit into a stereotype.  They also try to condition responses that lead to divisions among people as well.
There are unspoken divisions that some adhere to, they may speak the words of equality and civil rights in public but their private views are often contrary. Their body language, topics of discussion, responses, choice of words, the credit they are willing or unwilling to give others, the people they associate with, the commonalities in their appearance, and the extent to which they may go to put on an act to make it seem as if they are egalitarian all give them away. It is easy to see through them.
Many of them always want to upstage anything positive that someone that is not of their group does, often in a very puerile, juvenile, small minded way.

Just take note that the Confederate States Never Surrendered:
I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, I moved to Phoenix, AZ in 2012 to attend grad school. Ever since I first arrived I noticed that a significant portion of the population are "perps", this may not be specific to Phoenix, because I noticed more and more "perps" appearing the Bay Area before I left. What is different is that whoever is in control of the organized stalking program in Phoenix, appears to want only a certain type of person to live in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The southwest is often characterized as being home to outcasts and poor people from other states who for one reason or another found it convenient to move. It almost seems as if "the power elite", for whatever reason, only want these types of people to live in the southwest.

This brings me to another point, it appears as if "the power elite" want the general population to view the southwest and other highly sunlit parts of the world like the middle east and the Sahara in Africa as simply stop over points for people heading to the coast or to other cities. It also appears that they want to cause problems political and otherwise in these regions so that people will not join together and build massive solar panel arrays. Finally, whoever is in charge of the organized stalking program moves "herds" of people from one region of the U.S. and the world to another as a form of "public works". A city in the U.S. makes a deal with the "power elite", they then tell their "perps" to pick and move from wherever they are to the particular city and to play a role. The role of worker, musician, hippie, hip hop artist, (often with dreadlocked hair and Bob Marley shirt, I can see through them like a cheap suit) corporate yuppie, manual laborer, professional, in essence they are creating or destroying cultures in cities around the U.S.

They are currently giving me messages indicating that they want me to move from Phoenix, AZ but, I view it differently. Everyday I stay and remain unchanged, I can view it as a small win against this corrupt system.

I have noticed that before the organized stalking system is about to engage in "street theater", "directed conversations", and other other types of harassment, they often send one or several attractive females to walk around within the range of my visual acuity, then the harassment follows. Sometimes it occurs in reverse the harassment occurs and then the send the females. Since I am a TI and I am under constant surveillance and I am married, I will not take action. Not to mention that because their appearance is correlated with harassment, I can conclude that they are "perps", spies, agents, and hence cannot be trusted. Furthermore, it is easier to maintain security procedures for my residence if one has a life partner one can trust. Why sacrifice proven residential security for a potential "perp"?

Since the organized stalking system has the technology to read thoughts, it can "steal" those thoughts and give them to other entertainers, artists, scientists, politicians, businessmen. In fact as far back as 2012 I remember a video on youtube that appeared quite suspiciously with the title "Until Your River Runs Out" and the picture of a British person in a suit - implying that the system would keep on stealing ideas from me until my "creativity" ran out.  It appears that the recompense for stealing ideas is attractive females? I would rather get credit and possibly the money from my ideas. (Update - as of 9/27/17 10:51, it appears as if the system is trying to retaliate, apparently that comment about "until you river runs out" rubbed some influential people the wrong way. There is a strong European influence on American culture and politics in recent times, especially from the Private Central Bankers and the British Aristocracy. The British themselves will never speak critically of their royalty, in any authentic sense.)

What might really astound people and for some might appear unbelievable is that not only can the power elite read thoughts but they can also send information back in time or conversely see into the future. I know this sounds unbelievable but I could be watching a show produced far before 2017 making specific repeated references to what I am doing, saying or thinking in the privacy of my own residence in 2017!! This spans almost every popular show, like Twin Peaks (look like Dale Cooper got help from the power elite and that tall dude), X files (I like the Muld and Scull but ole spooky got help from some spy agency), Simpsons (ok so bite me), SouthPark (Yep the Cartmister had connections), etc.

Backward in time information transmission goes far beyond the 1990s, it occurs in movies from the 1980s, the 1970s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, all the way to beginning of film. It doesn't stop with movies, Alexis DeTocqueville, the French Aristocrat dude, even he was making references to what I was doing in my residence in 2015! It goes as far back as the Illiad and Homer, I thought, this can't be, it must be a manipulation of the translation? Does this imply that our history has been manipulated by beings with time travel technology? I'll let you decide.
What John Judge said has never had more credence "If you have heard of someone, that usually means they are no good", by this we don't just mean celebrities in pop culture but also artists, scientists, writers, politicians, etc.

I just saw a comment on youtube stating that "Everything is in the decline these days, the world is being taken over by the generation fake." I agree with those sentiments, nearly everything about the millennial is false, affected, or in some manner compromised. The world has become a stage and most people are akin to actors, paid to walk around and look like regular people on the street.
As long as this false reality exists, you have no need for guidance, you have all the answers and know the way, so the time has come to figure it out for yourself, if you are part of the system, they will tell you want to do, think, say, and feel.

Hey why don't you ask the Private Central Bankers (Like the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, and the European Aristocrats), CIA, Multi-National Corporations, Oil Companies, the Catholic Church, and Secret Societies what to do, they are the ones who run the world, they have technology that can see into the future, they may even have contact with ETs, so they know far far far better what to do.
Yeah, go pray to Jesus, have him tell you what to do, go roll some bones, and read pig entrails, figure out what to do. You could try praying to Satan maybe he has morsels of wisdom to impart. Maybe you can try praying to Barack Obama, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Santa Claus, a homeless guy, Osama Bin Laden and friends. Get on your knees in front of some men, close your eyes, cross your fingers tightly and quietly murmur to yourself and pray to a man, see what happens. Maybe you can eat some psychedelic mushrooms, drop some acid, spray a pill with rat poison, drink Santa spunk you might be able to get some ideas. You could try having an encounter with the Baby Shortbus prodigy, Mr. Minigolf, and a 2 Years Old Brain, they may be able to give you a clue.

Try asking Virginian coal miners, that stink of the lamp, what to do, ask people from Illinois, and Wisconsin what to do, try asking "the South" what to do, ask people from Atlanta, how to set the country's compass heading. Try asking those insular types from Oregon, Utah, Minnesota (Blaine from Predator Excepted), and Arizona, they represent the pinnacle of human enlightenment, it is like a Utopia, Walden Two, Athens, a 2nd Atlantis,....yeah. Get some of that Mormon action going. I can tell by the way they look through their face, they're crazier than an outhouse rat.

If there is a powerful artificially intelligent computer that directs our lives and the world, ask it what to do. Try asking any millennial, who know everything about everything, what to do.

There is no need to support any charities, either. Many of those who appear to need these charities are "perps" and the system will automatically take care of them. Many of those that we see on the street who appear to not have any form of stable residence are also "perps", as such the organized stalking system will also take care of them.

I write for people that are willing to view reality for what it is and for what it isn't. If you are unwilling to be honest and truthful with yourself, those around you, and the world, then maybe this isn't for you. There are many many other sources of facts and opinions that may be more to your liking, that are willing to present to you what you want to see.


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