Caves, Mines, and the Underground

I have often posted online that one way to defeat most of the weapons used against Targeted Individuals is to go sufficiently deep underground. The tons of earth above the Targeted individuals will shield them from directed energy weapons, voice to skull weapons, remote neural monitoring, and other non-conventional weapons.

Though this method does work, there is at least one drawback namely that the Targeted Individual must ensure that the Cave, Mine, or underground structure has not been tampered with. The reason I say that is because there exists technology that can transmit electromagnetic signals through rock. I came to this realization when listening to a recording of the Art Bell show with Guest Bonnie Crystal on 5-5-1999.

Bonnie Crystal is an expert on caves and during the interview she mentioned that spelunkers use a special type of radio to communicate with each other while exploring caves. This interview is 18 years old, it would be reasonable to conclude that the technology to communicate inside caves has progressed to the point where it may be possible to place sensors and other devices deep inside caves that allow the Organized Stalking system to monitor people inside caves and possibly to even attack Targeted Individuals with directed energy weapons.

One way to defeat this method of communication is to ensure the cave, mine, or underground has not been tampered with. For if there are no sensors then they cannot monitor people. Another way is to create your own underground mine or bunker, sufficiently deep under the surface of the earth. In this manner people can be sure that the underground structure has no sensors and therefore the organized stalking system cannot monitor nor can they attack.


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