Shortwave Radio

Given the state of politics, world events, civil rights, freedom of speech, and net neutrality, it may be advisable to become familiar with shortwave radio:

Just in case that the communication infrastructure is compromised and/or altered so as to restrict freedom of speech, we can use shortwave radio to communicate. The only communication infrastructure needed by shortwave radio is the ionosphere which is difficult to eliminate and/or alter. (ok a power supply and a well built shortwave antenna is needed as well) Weather manipulation technology can alter the ionosphere in certain areas and certain frequencies but, it is difficult to continuously block all radio transmissions on all frequencies all the time.

A shortwave radio broadcast can be heard across the U.S. and possibly the world depending on many factors. I myself have been experimenting with shortwave transceiver radios, shortwave antennas, and radio theory. I am planning on broadcasting on shortwave frequencies, using Single Side Band broadcast modulation:

the reason why is because a Single Side Band Transmission makes the best use of broadcast power. The problem with Amplitude Modulation is that a significant amount of power is wasted on broadcasting both side bands, this reduces the broadcast range in comparison to Single Side Band.

It may be advisable to buy or obtain a shortwave radio with Single Side Band reception capability:

Tecsun Single Side Band

*Correction 12/10/2017*

SSB shortwave modulation makes better use of broadcast power because, it does not broadcast the carrier wave like AM modulation does. Amplitude Modulation (AM) utilizes a significant amount of power broadcasting the carrier wave, which itself does not convey information, so in essence it is wasted power.

As a side note I bought one of the Tecsun PL-600 shortwave receiver with SSB.

It may also be advisable to buy a shortwave Transceiver "rig" as "Hams" like to call them:

Shortwave Transceiver Reviews

and build a good antenna system:

Shortwave Antennas

I would stay away from computer based shortwave radios, for the simple fact that a computer is needed to process the signals and get any reception. This is not very reliable especially in an emergency situation.


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