
Showing posts from July, 2018

Solar AC - The Impossible?

There are those on youtube, some of those Van Lifers, Off Gridders on youtube that may give the impression that it is impossible to operate a compression based window AC unit using only solar panels. The possible becomes impossible with them and hence with the rest of society. (It appears that in the last 10-15 years, the U.S. has become exactly that, making the possible become impossible). But, NO, I believe the opposite, ..... the impossible, becomes possible: You can even operate a 10,000 btu compressor based AC utilizing a battery (with the capacity of a car battery): Though it can only be done for about 1 hour. Both of these videos show that it is possible to operate a compression based window AC unit from batteries. Though, what is needed are more solar panels in order to recharge the batteries at a rate fast enough so that the AC unit can run continuously. Another option is to have sufficient solar...

Residential Solar Steam Power

I performed a google search for a solar steam power system for a house and I couldn't find any commercial systems for a residence. There are industrial scale solar steam power plants but, as of yet, no residential scale solar steam power. Some may say that steam power is too dangerous because of the pressures and temperatures involved, and yet, some of us routinely drive cars full of high flammable gasoline and drive diesel trucks with a fuel injection system that operates at 10,000 psi or higher. All the parts needed to construct a residential scale solar steam power system are in place. We can buy or build parabolic solar troughs with oil as a working fluid: Though the 2nd part, the heat exchanger and the steam power system as of yet does not exist for residences. Though this too is possible. There are plans or instructions on how to build a steam power generator: ...

Vacuum Panels

I may have addressed this in prior posts, though since then I have done a little digging throughout youtube and found that it is possible to make a concentrated solar water heater for a home: and that solar water heaters using vacuum flask techniques already exist and have existed for a while: Solar Water Heaters with Vacuum Tubes Though higher temperatures would be achievable if the entire water tank were also vacuum flasked. Here are some possibly new ideas, why not make a vacuum flask wall panel for insulation? I have heard rumors that militaries around the world may use vacuum panels to make sure that sound cannot be picked up at a distance. So I thought why not use this for insulation. The reason why vacuum is a great insulator is because heat is conducted through 3 primary means: 1. Convection: 2. Conduction: 3. Radiation: https://en.wikip...

Schooling for Targeted Individuals or Their Kids

As I perused the vast list of videos produced by targeted individuals on youtube I ran across a series of videos produced by the following individual: This person mentioned that she may have been exposed to chemicals that negatively affected her health. I posted a comment with links to my youtube videos and I suggested that she look into gas masks or chemical warfare suits to protect herself from possible chemical attacks from the "divine hammer" of "the system": They even have chemical protection for children and pets: In other videos she also mentioned that the system may turn her child against her and become 100% USDA grade A "perp". I suggested that she home school her child or take advantage of the many online K-12 courses and online college...

#1 or #2

I have often thought whether it would be possible to recycle human liquid waste. I believe I may have touched on this subject on one of my earlier posts on this Blog. This Idea was brought to my attention when watching a video on how to make a Zombie Proof Car: At first I thought the books were part of the joke, though they look like actual books, with wear and tear that is difficult to reproduce. I performed a google search of the books with no success, they look real? So, why not try to address the first book: Water into urine. Liquid human waste is 91-96% water and the rest is inorganic salts and organic compounds: So, the questions is, is it possible to distill urine and make it drinkable? In a distiller the urine is boiled. Since urine is at least 91% water, substances in the urine that have a higher boiling temperature than water are left behind. Though, those th...

Car Repair Advices Part 4

Looks like our boy Dave2D is still experiencing Van trouble: In the first video it was found that what was preventing the Van from starting was a blown fuse but,.... a blown fuse is a symptom not the cause of a problem. Something, possibly in the ignition system, drew current above the rating of the fuse and blew the fuse, hence logically, the problem lies with the component that blew the fuse, not the fuse itself. So, in a sense it was a good thing that Dave2D replaced the coil, distributor, rotor, etc. Otherwise the component that previously blew the fuse, may once again draw too much current and blow the fuse, possibly at an inopportune time. I believe the Van has a 302 motor, and what looks to be a two barrel carburetor. If anyone reading this has a spare working two barrel carburetor that will fit the van engine in the video, maybe you can donate it, throw in a working fuel pump whil...

Car Repair Advices Part 3

Yesterday (July 3, 2018), while on youtube, I ran across a live stream of a VanLifer (Dave2D Vlogs) trying to repair his 1983 Ford Econoline Van: Apparently the Van would not start. The engine would turn but, it would not start and run under it's own power at a cold idle RPM. Since it was a live stream people viewing the video were allowed to make comments. Many viewers were trying to give advice or simply make funny comments. Even I "chimed" in and tried to give advice, it was entertaining watching the interaction between Davd2D and the people on youtube. (Maybe Sabrina and Johnny from Wandxr Bus, got their revenge for all those roast videos. They may have been in their VW bus just laughing themselves sick watching Davd2D trying to repair his van!!!) Several viewers appeared to be knowledgeable mechanics or mechanically inclined but, it didn't work out and the van failed to start even by the end of the live stream. The Haynes pu...