Schooling for Targeted Individuals or Their Kids
As I perused the vast list of videos produced by targeted individuals on youtube I ran across a series of videos produced by the following individual:
This person mentioned that she may have been exposed to chemicals that negatively affected her health. I posted a comment with links to my youtube videos and I suggested that she look into gas masks or chemical warfare suits to protect herself from possible chemical attacks from the "divine hammer" of "the system":
They even have chemical protection for children and pets:
In other videos she also mentioned that the system may turn her child against her and become 100% USDA grade A "perp". I suggested that she home school her child or take advantage of the many online K-12 courses and online college.
Online K-12 Classes:
Online College and Beyond:
Online Colleges
I have never taught an online course but, I have taken several online courses. They are not equivalent to a traditional Face to Face, in person course, where students attend lectures in a physical classroom. They are good a alternative to no education, little education, and/or "education" by people who may not know the subjects well enough to teach it and/or may not have enough time.
(I am not saying that the traditional educational curriculum is Always correct, because it isn't. All I'm saying is that it forms a good foundation from which students can, later on, formulate their own theories, questions, and opinions.)
The reason why I recommend online school for Targeted Individuals or the children of Targeted individuals is because of my experiences teaching college.
Between the years of 2005-2018 I taught mathematics courses at the community college level both in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.
Starting in the year 2008, I saw a dramatic shift occur in the student body. At the time I was teaching in San Jose, CA. The semester right after Barack Obama took office I began to notice students in my classes starting to behave like perps. With directed conversations, classroom theater, making specific repeated references to what I was thinking at the time or what I did before I went to class, or even what I said or did in the privacy of my own residence.
In 2008 the number of perps in typical classroom of say 25 was about 3 or 4, this number grew steadily throughout the years. In 2018 the number of perps in a classroom of 25 was nearly 12-13, sometimes it felt like it was inverted from 2008, only 3 or 4 students were NOT perps.
Not to mention the system uses female students to possibly entrap instructors. Before 2008, it was like "who is this old creep" and after it was just the opposite. (Just to set the record straight I never gave in to this, I'm married and plus the system is always watching and recording, so NO!)
I remember one instructor who had a different student girlfriend every semester (did he think he was Jerry Seinfeld from that old 90s show?), I thought to myself, he is asking for a lawsuit and jail time that would make history.
This also goes for students not enrolled in my class who may just be walking around campus. I would often take lunch at the cafeteria in the college, and nearly all students there would appear to be perps! Walking around campus nearly all students... perps! The administration.....perps, other instructors....perps. Other instructors also engaged in directed conversations and street theater, with the high fives up high and low, whatever.
So, one must ask, when did the students become perps? Did it begin in high school, grade school, college? Somewhere in their education, they turned to the dark side.
So, this is why I recommend that IF you are a targeted individual that you take courses online and/or IF you are a targeted individual with a Child, that you remove your child from the traditional K-12 system and enroll them in full time online courses. Don't let yourself or your child become part of the dark side.
This person mentioned that she may have been exposed to chemicals that negatively affected her health. I posted a comment with links to my youtube videos and I suggested that she look into gas masks or chemical warfare suits to protect herself from possible chemical attacks from the "divine hammer" of "the system":
They even have chemical protection for children and pets:
In other videos she also mentioned that the system may turn her child against her and become 100% USDA grade A "perp". I suggested that she home school her child or take advantage of the many online K-12 courses and online college.
Online K-12 Classes:
Online College and Beyond:
Online Colleges
I have never taught an online course but, I have taken several online courses. They are not equivalent to a traditional Face to Face, in person course, where students attend lectures in a physical classroom. They are good a alternative to no education, little education, and/or "education" by people who may not know the subjects well enough to teach it and/or may not have enough time.
(I am not saying that the traditional educational curriculum is Always correct, because it isn't. All I'm saying is that it forms a good foundation from which students can, later on, formulate their own theories, questions, and opinions.)
The reason why I recommend online school for Targeted Individuals or the children of Targeted individuals is because of my experiences teaching college.
Between the years of 2005-2018 I taught mathematics courses at the community college level both in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.
Starting in the year 2008, I saw a dramatic shift occur in the student body. At the time I was teaching in San Jose, CA. The semester right after Barack Obama took office I began to notice students in my classes starting to behave like perps. With directed conversations, classroom theater, making specific repeated references to what I was thinking at the time or what I did before I went to class, or even what I said or did in the privacy of my own residence.
In 2008 the number of perps in typical classroom of say 25 was about 3 or 4, this number grew steadily throughout the years. In 2018 the number of perps in a classroom of 25 was nearly 12-13, sometimes it felt like it was inverted from 2008, only 3 or 4 students were NOT perps.
Not to mention the system uses female students to possibly entrap instructors. Before 2008, it was like "who is this old creep" and after it was just the opposite. (Just to set the record straight I never gave in to this, I'm married and plus the system is always watching and recording, so NO!)
I remember one instructor who had a different student girlfriend every semester (did he think he was Jerry Seinfeld from that old 90s show?), I thought to myself, he is asking for a lawsuit and jail time that would make history.
This also goes for students not enrolled in my class who may just be walking around campus. I would often take lunch at the cafeteria in the college, and nearly all students there would appear to be perps! Walking around campus nearly all students... perps! The administration.....perps, other instructors....perps. Other instructors also engaged in directed conversations and street theater, with the high fives up high and low, whatever.
So, one must ask, when did the students become perps? Did it begin in high school, grade school, college? Somewhere in their education, they turned to the dark side.
So, this is why I recommend that IF you are a targeted individual that you take courses online and/or IF you are a targeted individual with a Child, that you remove your child from the traditional K-12 system and enroll them in full time online courses. Don't let yourself or your child become part of the dark side.
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