CSM & George H.W. Bush

Strangely enough the following comparison has led to a little bit of controversy. Even Rivers Cuomo "that Weezer guy" made indirect reference to it on his twitter feed (he appears to be an important man in secret society circles, he'll put YOU in YOUR place):

Some of those above the age of 35 may recall a show way back in the 90s and early 2000s known as the X-Files:


There was a recurring character known as the "Cigarette Smoking Man" or "Cancer Man" or "CSM":


While watching some of X-file episodes the other day I said in an "off hand" manner that the cigarette smoking man looks a bit like George Bush Senior (George H.W. Bush). Obviously this is very subjective and has no objective demonstrable evidence but, I then thought, WHAT IF the CSM was a veiled reference to George H.W. Bush? The writers of the X-files seemed quite knowledgeable about the paranormal and rumors in UFO circles abound about Hollywood actors, producers, and directors who have made it known indirectly that they know something real about aliens and UFOs.



So, could it be a reference to G.H.W.B.?

Now, why would the producers and writers of the X files want to make a veiled reference to George H.W. Bush, in the first place?

The reason is that GHWB was the director of the CIA in the late 70s:


and comes from a family background intimately involved in intelligence agency work in the U.S., dubious banking interests around the world and of course the "Ultra Exclusive Secret Society SKULL and BONES" (Publicly Acknowledged):


It has been rumored in UFO research circles (which have been heavily suppressed and marginalized in the last decade 2008-2018) that GHWB is one of the insiders in regards to actual UFO knowledge. In fact those presidents that were not regarded or seen as having inside knowledge of UFOs, tended to release documents and/or make it easier to get UFO documents. While those presidents or vice presidents that were seen as having inside knowledge of UFOs either denied their existence and/or could not deny nor confirm their existence of the existence of such files. Even Ronald Reagan was interested in UFOs and "fought" to have his "UFO dream statement" in a speech given at the U.N. GHWB was RR's vice president.

So if those presidents that do release information on UFOs, don't know and want to find out more how are we supposed to view those presidents that clamp down on information and/or make it harder to get credible documents about UFOs? They might know!! Hence GHWB is roughly equal to the character of CSM, within an order of magnitude.


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