Update for the Week of Sep 9, 2018

Weather Engineering Update for the Week of 9/9/18:

Extra - Extra Important News Stories, the Creation of ISIS, and 9/11 anomalies:

Documentary/News Show for the Week of 9/9/18: 

Who Rules United States of America

Dr. G William Domhoff presents his research and analysis of the power structures in the U.S. (This news show is a little older but, still informative and relevant today):

Part 1 of 2:

Part 2 of 2:

Organized Stalking Video for the Week of 9/9/18:

Phil Hendrie Show for the Week of 9/9/18:

Hr 1: Replacing the Vietnam Memorial
Hr 2: Dirty Pigs at Gas Stations
Hr 3: The Infamous Mr. Bella, he is a real hERo.
Song for the Week of 9/9/18: Lightning Turns Sawdust Gold by Sleigh Bells

Movie for the Week of 9/9/18: Quicksand

Extra Movie for the Week of 9/9/18: Crawl or Die


A low budget film but, still very good!


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