Update for the Week of 10/7/18

Update -- Update:

It has been confirmed that a certain brand of computer motherboards have been compromised. "Super spy chips" have been found on certain Super Micro Motherboards:


Here is a way in which your computing devices could be compromised. We must remember that these spying devices may simply be the few that are admitted to publicly.

If it is possible to place "super spy chips" in computer motherboards what is to stop them from placing such chips in flat screen TVs, streaming TV boxes, DVD/Blu Ray players, cell phones, in 
automobiles, refrigerators, water heaters, etc!!

Even More:


Goog says it allows App developers to read certain aspects of your gmail!!

Even John McAfee claims he is being gangstalked!!

Who is John McAfee?


He created the famous Anti-Virus Software. 


An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore - Released in 2006, still relevant today. Makes a strong case for the anthropogenic causes of global climate change.

A More Detailed Explanation of the Greenhouse Effect:

Climate Engineering Update for the Week:

Rice Farmer Update:


Documentary / News Show for the Week: The Israel Lobby by VPRO 

Extra Documentary / News Show for the Week: Redacted Tonight - Show #211 Hurricane Disaster, Activist Planting, Sleeping Outside Illegal

Mae Brussell Archive: How Our Past Affects Our Future Part 1 of 3, Aug 17, 1979

Mae Brussell was a prolific researcher active from just a couple of years after the JFK assassination to 1988. Her research focused on the inconsistencies in the official story of the JFK assassination. Later on she documented the history and influence of fascism around the world and in the U.S.



Esoteric Presentation of the Week: Jordan Maxwell

Note: The esoteric videos don't necessarily have the same level of accuracy, precision, or rigor as the videos posted above. Yet, these esoteric presentations often reveal interesting ideas, notions, concepts, patterns, beyond the reach of traditional forms of historical and scientific research, which may be true.

Many of us have seen and experienced in the last 20 years a world that appears to be manipulated from behind the scenes, that appears to have a connection with symbols, cults, hidden power, secret societies, and occult forces. It appears as if these hidden groups is where the true power lies. If so, shouldn't we learn something about them and their beliefs?

Targeted Individual of the Week: Steve Baysden

Surveillance Role Player of the Week: Anonymous "Perp"

Phil Hendrie Show of the Week: Janurary 8, 2002 


Hour One: Phil talks about how to handle unruly passengers and hijackers while Bud tries to play mood music in the background. Harvey Wireman joins in to talk about his client who was jumped by four passengers during a flight.

Hour Two: Phils talks about the Oscars coming up, the radio business, and the lack of lesbian country singers.

Hour Three: Phil talks about the news story about fans at a little league game beating up a coach. Bobbie Dooley joins in to tell Phil about how Steve went up to Dylan’s basketball coach and put his finger in his chest and said “Your putting my son in now!”

Song of the Week: Days of Why and How by The Kills


Movie of the Week: Rosemary's Baby

(the latter half of the movie depicts organized stalking in the 1960s!)



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