Update for the Week of 11/11/18
An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore - Released in 2006, still relevant
today. Makes a strong case for the anthropocentric causes of global
climate change.
Government Documents - Weather Manipulation
There are those seemingly paid skeptics online that argue against the possibility of weather manipulation, they make it seem as if not only is it impossible but, also that the government wouldn't even attempt to alter weather patterns but, here it is:
I noticed a small banner underneath the "governments documents" video posted directly above regarding "contrails" and their formation (from encyclopedia Britannica).
I do agree that some of the trails behind aircraft are contrails BUT, NOT All, some trails are emitted from areas other than exhaust of engine, for example in Cloud Seeding Operations.
There is another issue, some claim that the "contrails" are formed due to the water vapor created in the combustion process. This can't completely account for "contrail" formation because "contrails" don't always form behind aircraft, it must depend and dare I say it mostly depends on the atmospheric conditions of the troposphere. What determines whether or not a REAL "contrail" will form depends on the relative humidity of the air at that altitude.
When the vapor supply of the exhaust and air in exhaust column exceeds the vapor capacity of the air at that altitude, temperature, and pressure, water will condense into water or ice. (By the way it is difficult for Ice to form at that altitude due to the lack of ice structured nuclei):
Though the air at the altitude at which most commercial airliners fly has low temperature, it also has very low relative humidity. Most of the water vapor stays near the ground, making the air at the altitude at which commercial airliners fly very dry.
In fact heated air emitted from the exhaust of a Jet Engine has an even LOWER relative humidity that the surrounding air. Implying that much of the time contrails won't form, so to have aircraft creating "contrails" nearly all the time is quite the anomaly.
By the way here is the main seemingly paid geoengineering skeptic:
California Wildfires Google News Search
I found it amusing that Karel would be working for a national laboratory like LLNL brainstorming new weapons systems. Well, you wouldn't believe it but, the organized stalking system reacted and escalated the harassment. Even though I simply said it to myself and did not share it with anyone else. Apparently LLNL doesn't have a sense of humor, they can't take it.
P.S. I am still experiencing an escalated amount of harassment because of my comment, what is up with that!!
With all of Ken's heavy metal nanoparticulates being sprayed in the air, and being absorbed by the tissues in my brain, he is driving me home and driving me Crazy!
The final Phil Hendrie Show All-Request Flashback Night!! Featuring such classics as “How Get Wife Lose Weight”… Jay Santos Policing Holiday Parties… Dave Oliva: Scary Movies… Clara Bingham: Wiccan Rituals.
Hour 2:
The Phil Hendrie Show All-Request Flashback Night continues with! Father James Mcquarters: Slabber… Vernon Dozier: Lookey Loo’s… Pastor Rennick: 7 Jet Spa… Father McQuarters: “Phil Makes Father Say Slabber”… Lloyd Bonifide Gets Teabagged By His Neighbors Cat…. and Steve Bosell’s Son Missiles One In His Shorts.
Hour 3:
Vernon Dozier Blames Bush For Tsunami’s… Bobbie Dooley Summertacular… Margaret Gray: If I Had A Hammer… David G.Hall: Mohammed Cartoons… Ted Bell: Car Alarm… and Gary Shandling Calls the Show.
Government Documents - Weather Manipulation
There are those seemingly paid skeptics online that argue against the possibility of weather manipulation, they make it seem as if not only is it impossible but, also that the government wouldn't even attempt to alter weather patterns but, here it is:
I noticed a small banner underneath the "governments documents" video posted directly above regarding "contrails" and their formation (from encyclopedia Britannica).
I do agree that some of the trails behind aircraft are contrails BUT, NOT All, some trails are emitted from areas other than exhaust of engine, for example in Cloud Seeding Operations.
There is another issue, some claim that the "contrails" are formed due to the water vapor created in the combustion process. This can't completely account for "contrail" formation because "contrails" don't always form behind aircraft, it must depend and dare I say it mostly depends on the atmospheric conditions of the troposphere. What determines whether or not a REAL "contrail" will form depends on the relative humidity of the air at that altitude.
When the vapor supply of the exhaust and air in exhaust column exceeds the vapor capacity of the air at that altitude, temperature, and pressure, water will condense into water or ice. (By the way it is difficult for Ice to form at that altitude due to the lack of ice structured nuclei):
Though the air at the altitude at which most commercial airliners fly has low temperature, it also has very low relative humidity. Most of the water vapor stays near the ground, making the air at the altitude at which commercial airliners fly very dry.
In fact heated air emitted from the exhaust of a Jet Engine has an even LOWER relative humidity that the surrounding air. Implying that much of the time contrails won't form, so to have aircraft creating "contrails" nearly all the time is quite the anomaly.
By the way here is the main seemingly paid geoengineering skeptic:
Climate Science Lecture for the Week:
Given the recent wildfires in California (which is quite odd given the time of year) here is a good explanation as to what the "Santa Ana" winds are. Also it is explained why wildfires tend to start near the foot of the mountains and hills in California, like Thousand Oaks:California Wildfires Google News Search
The entire lecture series can be purchased at the following link:
Climate Engineering Update:
In the climate engineering update, Mr. Wigington played a clip by Ken Caldeira and I jokingly said to myself that Ken sounds a bit like Karel from Karel and Andrew(RIP).
I found it amusing that Karel would be working for a national laboratory like LLNL brainstorming new weapons systems. Well, you wouldn't believe it but, the organized stalking system reacted and escalated the harassment. Even though I simply said it to myself and did not share it with anyone else. Apparently LLNL doesn't have a sense of humor, they can't take it.
P.S. I am still experiencing an escalated amount of harassment because of my comment, what is up with that!!
With all of Ken's heavy metal nanoparticulates being sprayed in the air, and being absorbed by the tissues in my brain, he is driving me home and driving me Crazy!
Energy Lecture for the Week:
The entire lecture series can be purchased at the following link:
Rice Farmer Update:
Ecology Lecture for the Week:
The entire lecture series can be purchased at the following link:
Documentary for the Week: A Crude Awakening
Just to clarify a statement made by Caltech Professor David L. Goodstein at 1hr 10min 21seconds:
To generate all the power consumed by the entire U.S. derived from petroleum will require a solar power array about 84 miles by 84
miles square of solar panels or solar steam which is about 7,100 square
miles, if built in Phoenix, AZ. The surface area of California is 163,696 square miles 7,100 is
about one twenty thirds (1/23) of 163,696. So only about one-twenty third the area of CA
would be needed.
To generate the total amount of power consumed by U.S. from all sources will require a solar
panel/steam array about 150 miles by 150 miles square or about 22,500
square miles. This is one-seventh the total surface area of CA.
Actually it may be more effective to build this massive solar
panel/steam array in highly sunlit, low population density, arid deserts
of Arizona, New Mexico, and Western Texas. Yuma AZ receives the most
number of hours of sunlight per year of any city in the U.S.
The following shows actual data of the amount of energy per square meter
that falls in Phoenix, AZ given in 30 minute intervals. If we sum up
the total amount of energy per square meter that fall (Laveen, Phoenix,
AZ) for the entire year and then divide by the total amount of energy
provided by petroleum or divide by the total amount of energy the U.S.
uses from every source then we get the following:
Though this is a first approximation, more detailed calculations will
have to carried out.
(Addendum 11/12/18 The calculations above reveal the amount of solar energy needed to provide sufficient energy for an entire year. We must also look at calculations to determine the amount of solar energy needed to provide sufficient power, the rate at which energy is used, for different time periods)
(Addendum 11/12/18 The calculations above reveal the amount of solar energy needed to provide sufficient energy for an entire year. We must also look at calculations to determine the amount of solar energy needed to provide sufficient power, the rate at which energy is used, for different time periods)
News Show for the Week: A critic of Neoliberalism
Socialism Vs Capitalism: Lecture Topics: The Ideas of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, and Milton Friedman
Far too often the online discussion of socialism, communism, and
capitalism is rife with emotionally charged dialog about what is right
for the country. Often, socialism and communism are confounded and those
who are perceived to believe in socialism or communism are portrayed as
"pure evil" and "lacking integrity".
Even when one searches for a presentation of socialism, communism, and
capitalism based on accurate knowledge of their historical development,
theory, and practice, it is often lacking, biased, and often limited to a
presentation spanning 10 minutes or less.
So, here are a series of lectures that can hopefully, give an accurate
representation of what each philosophy is and what each entails both in
theory and practice.
The entire lecture series can be purchased at the following link:
Republican Jesus
Mae Brussell Archive: The Vatican - PT 3 of 3 (11-17-1978)
Mae Brussell was a prolific researcher active from just a couple of
years after the JFK assassination to 1988. Her research focused on the
inconsistencies in the official story of the JFK assassination. Later on
she documented the history and influence of fascism around the world
and in the U.S.
Esoteric Presentation of the Week: Phil Schneider Documentary of truth about Aliens & UFO's & our Government
Note: The esoteric videos don't
necessarily have the same level of accuracy, precision, or rigor as the
videos posted above. Yet, these esoteric presentations often reveal
interesting ideas, notions, concepts, patterns, beyond the reach of
traditional forms of historical and scientific research, which may be
Many of us have seen and experienced in the last 20 years a world that appears to be manipulated from behind the scenes, that appears to have a connection with symbols, cults, hidden power, secret societies, and occult forces. It appears as if these hidden groups is where the true power lies. If so, shouldn't we learn something about them and their beliefs?
Many of us have seen and experienced in the last 20 years a world that appears to be manipulated from behind the scenes, that appears to have a connection with symbols, cults, hidden power, secret societies, and occult forces. It appears as if these hidden groups is where the true power lies. If so, shouldn't we learn something about them and their beliefs?
Targeted Individual of the Week: Michael Fitzhugh Bell
The above coast to coast am show about organized stalking is actually quite informative. Though I am a little bit skeptical about Michael's abduction other elements of his story do correlate well with what many other targeted individuals experience. What is most helpful and useful are the methods by which Roger Tolces was successfully able to use both passive and active shields to combat electronic harassment. Furthermore, he also claimed to have recorded electronic attacks as they took place using a spectrum analyzer, so it is possible to obtain strong evidence of organized stalking.
Phil Hendrie Show of the Week: June 20, 2006
Hour 1:
The final Phil Hendrie Show All-Request Flashback Night!! Featuring such classics as “How Get Wife Lose Weight”… Jay Santos Policing Holiday Parties… Dave Oliva: Scary Movies… Clara Bingham: Wiccan Rituals.
Hour 2:
The Phil Hendrie Show All-Request Flashback Night continues with! Father James Mcquarters: Slabber… Vernon Dozier: Lookey Loo’s… Pastor Rennick: 7 Jet Spa… Father McQuarters: “Phil Makes Father Say Slabber”… Lloyd Bonifide Gets Teabagged By His Neighbors Cat…. and Steve Bosell’s Son Missiles One In His Shorts.
Hour 3:
Vernon Dozier Blames Bush For Tsunami’s… Bobbie Dooley Summertacular… Margaret Gray: If I Had A Hammer… David G.Hall: Mohammed Cartoons… Ted Bell: Car Alarm… and Gary Shandling Calls the Show.
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