Updates for the Week of 12/23/18
Movie for the Week: The Lives of Others
This movie is specifically about orgnaized stalking in East Germany in 1984. The organized stalking that many targeted individuals experience today was perfected in the former Communist East Germany's intelligence and secret police the Stasi:
Their program of Zersetzung IS the blueprint for modern day organized stalking:
In regards to organized stalking, specifically, remote neural monitoring, it appears to me that anytime I am in the San Francisco Bay Area AND I post on this blog about some issue of import to the "powers that be" the organized stalking system escalates. I am currently in the San Francisco Bay Area visiting family for the Holidays.
For example a couple of hours after I originally posted my Updates for the week of 12/23/18, the organized system escalated with street theater (looking at Christmas lights in San Carlos near 1900 Eucalyptus Ave, the Christmas lights in South City Are better).
Stealing of ideas again, I had an idea of bridging damaged, non functional nerve connections, with electronic connections employing implanted electrodes about a year or two ago. Well I read an Enquirer while on the toilet about people who suffered loss of motor control below the waist due to accidents having implants placed in their spinal columns to help them walk.
The TV making specific, repeated, references to what I was saying, doing, or thinking while I was watching.
Once remote neural monitoring becomes public, then all the ideas "stolen" from people using remote neural monitoring will be publicized and the people who first created or developed the ideas will be given credit.
Also, don't be fooled into thinking that "the system" compensated the people from whom they stole ideas. Usually, what the system gives in return is less than what the system takes.
Envy, racism, prejudice or whatever of those who may have mastered that which has been done but, cannot create on their own, is not a good enough excuse to justify stealing ideas and it will lead to more problems and possible calamities down the road. You will be found out, it's only a matter of time.
It doesn't matter what the problem is, you lost the civil war and somehow it is used as an excuse to steal ideas, well that going to make things right or better. You believe in all that "88" garbage, that also isn't an excuse. You somehow have convinced yourself that you deserve these ideas, because your family has been here longer or served the system longer, well, that also does not justify what you have done. Did you join the right secret society? Did you perform "secret rituals" that guarantee you success? Well, those very same rituals and service will bring about the opposite. Are you a researcher in a prestigious university, well then you don't need to steal ideas, or do you?
Some think stealing ideas helps the economy, NOT if people become aware of it, it will hinder the economy, even if you work for the economist, a Rothschild owned magazine (like they haven't done enough to ruin the world, just a word of advice to the Rothschilds,... you are not gods remember that, you are not gods, say that to yourself before you got to bed at night.)
There are records of where the ideas originated from, records of the person who truly created or developed the idea and there are records of the transmission of the idea to someone else, so YOU will be exposed as a plagiarist. The brain may not function exactly like a computer:
Even so the records of idea origination and transmission exist in the possibly massive covert computer storage used to monitor millions if not billions of people around the world, including their thoughts, through remote neural monitoring. The researcher, scientist, artist, etc who received ideas may think or recall when they may have had an implant placed in their bodies to receive ideas, and may even have memories of how the implant can deliver ideas without the use of external electronics. If you listen to some of the major medias ideas on anything, they will tell you how almost everything is impossible, how major breakthroughs are just 20 years away and that was 50 years ago. It appears that the article above is trying to convince people that remote neural monitoring doesn't exist and that records of where ideas came from and who received them aren't easy to recover directly from the brain. So, all those jerks who took credit for ideas taken from others may feel safe but, they are not safe, there are other methods by which we can find the truth about the origin of their ideas.
It is easy to tell someone "get over it" when you are given ideas stolen from others, well I'll tell Esptein why doesn't HE get over the fact that people get angry and annoyed when they find out their ideas have been stolen? Also, words and compensation that doesn't measure up to what they took, doesn't make things right or better. Things don't just go away by saying "get over it", it makes things worse, not better, but worse. If they truly want things to get better, then get rid of this system of massive surveillance. One of the biggest problems in the world is this massive organized stalking/surveillance intellectual property theft system. That is the problem, that is what is causing all this:
Somehow the system tries to justify stealing ideas by pointing out that others around the world have it worse, yet somehow the system never seems to convince those who exploit the ideas of others of the same thing. Also those who use the ideas aren't struggling, don't appear to be in poverty, sometimes they are already wealthy, they have already accomplished much and yet, they want more. Somehow the notion of humility never seems to trickle down to them. One of the most effective strategies is to go on twitter and publicly out them as plagiarists. Go on the twitter channel, facebook page, of their university, company, group, etc, and publicly out them. Then spread the word to other twitter feeds.
It has gotten to the point where almost anyone who gets credit for anything that is held in high regard cannot be trusted to have actually created, discovered, or developed the idea without it having it be stolen from someone else.
If people around the world want things to get better, then get rid of this massive system of surveillance and torture. There appears to be a small cabal of people who are behind this system and who benefit from this system, they must go and those who took credit for ideas that weren't their own should be outed.
(In fact I had ideas stolen right as I was amending and editing the paragraphs just above!!)
Energy Lecture for the Week: Fossil Fuel Energy Issues And Concerns
The entire lecture series can be purchased at the following link:
An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore - Released in 2006, still relevant today. Makes a strong case for the anthropocentric causes of global climate change.
9/11 Documentary for the Week: Firefighters, Architects, & Engineers Expose 9/11 Myths
Climate Science Lecture for the Week: Middle Troposphere, Troughs and Ridges
Upper atmosphere troughs and ridges, positive vorticity advection, how "PVA" strengthens cyclones. The movement of constant pressure gradients across land masses.
The entire lecture series can be purchased at the following link:
Climate Engineering Update:
Is it me, or does it seem like moisture from the West Coast is migrated over the U.S. to be used in cool down events, like snow storms and showers East of the Mississippi? It appears to me that states West of the Mississippi are being droughted out. What is up with that!!
It also appears to me that geoengineering is used to degrade the ability of renewable sources of energy to produce power. Heavy Metal Nanoparticulate sprays are used to reduce the amount of sunlight that falls on solar power arrays, it also affects wind, and rain.
It appears that the areas of the U.S. that can produce the most renewable power are located West of the Mississippi. So, there are elements in the U.S. government, shadow government, corporations, etc, that for some reason or another do NOT want individuals, groups, cities, regions, or states located in the West to produce their own power, especially renewable power. Also they may want to keep the balance of regional power in the East. It appears that they want to exterminate and/or reduce the ability of All forms of Life to live around the world!
Rice Farmer Update:
Ecology Lecture for the Week: Movement of Energy through Living Systems
The entire lecture series can be purchased at the following link:
News Show for the Week: RT On Contact: The History of Debt Forgiveness
Documentary for the Week: Troubled Waters - A Documentary of the Impacts of Overfishing
Mae Brussell Archive: 7-28-71 The 2nd show in the Mae Brussell Archive
Mae with Gloria Barron-Demand of Black Panthers in prison riot in New Orleans. List of 10 Demands includes removal of Jim Garrison as District Attorney.
-Mae says: Garrison was first DA in the south to use African Americans as part of the jury system and someone fed the negative Garrison information to the Panthers.
-Kennedy would not run for President from an interview in Look Magazine. Mae hypothesizes Chappaquiddick was designed to keep Kennedy from running in 1972. Mae spoke with Mary Jo Kopechne’s mother and told her that her daughter was expendable like JD Tippit in Dallas. Mae hypothesizes that Tippit
as killed so there was an excuse to pick up Oswald.
-Dwayne Wolfer sues lawyer Barbara Blair for $2 million over her allegations of evidence tampering in the RFK case and her demand that Wolfer not be promoted to LAPD head criminologist. Wolfer suing 15 John Doe’s within the LAPD for giving Barbara Blair the information.
-Mae gives examples of 40 pieces of evidence destroyed in the JFK assassination: car interior, lamppost removal, street sign removal.
-Nation Magazine, July 19, 1971, Assassination Investigations: The Irregulars Take the Field by Fred J. Cook http://www.thenation.com/archive/irregulars-take-field
-Senator George Murphy doubted lone assassin theories.
-Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry’s book Assassination File http://www.amazon.com/Retired-Dallas-reveals-personal-assassination/dp/B0006CZR8M
-Mae says that she was invited to and will work with Bud Fensterwald on the Committee to Investigate Assassinations.
-Computers and Automation, July 1971, Vol 20#7, Central Intelligence Agency and the NY Times. NY Times book review of Heritage of Stone by John Leonard from December 1, 1970.
-Government Employees Exchange report titled “Otto Otepka: Victim of the New Team”, on the CIA to establish an underground government within our government (Congressional Record April 30, 1969 – pg. 10918
Phil Hendrie Show for the Week: Aug 1, 2001
Hour 1:Phil talks about not having a car in high school, animals making messes in the house. MTV 20 years ago, Phil rips on the new wave genre and even worse, British techno pop. SECOND HOUR. Phil talks to callers about the radio business. Phil talks positively about Martha Quinn, a bachelor friend having Phil over on Halloween.
Hour 2:
Jeff Dowder proposes Jesus’ DNA from the Shroud of Turin be cloned in Mexico where it’s legal. Phil and Jeff wonder about him showing up at US border control. Callers say this cloning can’t be done. Phil closes talking to RC Collins about what to do about getting an erection in class.
Hour 3:
Bob Green is upset about Maria Carey’s hospitalization because he runs her fan club, and urges Phil to convince people to buy her records. Phil closes talking about a new audio archive coming for BSP holders. Flashback of 2001-07-31 hour one.
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