Updates for the Week of 3/3/19

Energy Lecture for the Week: Energy Storage Technologies


(I found a different website to host the video. There are several seconds of advertisement before the video.)

Cloud cover can now be controlled by using geoengineering. Moisture laden air masses can be dried up by over spraying them with condensation forming particulates. Hence, intermittent solar energy production due to passing clouds isn't as big a problem as we thought.

In regards to passive house design. Vacuum panel insulation could be used in the construction of houses, thereby bringing down the amount of heat loss to or heat entry from the environment.

The water/steam mix expelled from steam turbine power generation is often at a temperature higher than the surroundings. Instead of expelling this steam/water mix into the environment or cooling this steam/water mix and reusing it, it is far more efficient to pass this steam water mix through a heat exchanger. This heat exchanger would boil a liquid (like isobutane) with a boiling temperature lower than that of the steam/water mix. Then this vapor would be passed through a turbine to extract additional energy.

In regards to the lifespan and reliability of solar steam, solar Stirling engine, or wind turbines, I believe we could learn something from some of the better practices of car, TV, and other product manufactures.

Like this:


Also, many automobiles are subjected to extensive, rigorous testing, to simulate the effects of aging due to a variety of factors, like fast driving, rough roads, acceleration, low maintenance, going over bumps quickly, heat, cold, etc. After this extensive testing the entire car is taken apart and every piece, no matter how small, is inspected for wear.

This is what should be done with solar steam, solar Stirling engines, and wind turbines. Older solar steam plants, Solar Stirling engines, and wind turbines could be completely taken apart and every piece, no matter how small should be inspected to see if they wear, how much they wear, which components wear down more quickly, which less quickly. By doing this we can increase the lifetime of solar steam power systems, solar Stirling Engines, wind turbines, and even Solar Panels tremendously.

There are examples of machines that last for many decades. There are automobiles that have accumulated 1,000,000 miles (some owners replaced parts, gaskets, transmissions, rebuilt the engine) and they are still running:


By employing the principles used by the TV manufacturers and with proper maintenance, there is nothing stopping us from building solar power systems that can last for 40-50 years or more, without having to replace the entire system.

Climate Engineering Lecture for the Week: (Nothing's Gonna Be Alright)

RT On Contact: Climate Emergency with Dahr Jamail

Capitalism vs. Socialism Lecture for the Week:

Meteorology Lecture for the Week: Nature Abhors Extremes

Ecology Lecture for the Week: Food, Energy Flows, Biomagnification

Mae Brussell Archive for the Week: Mae Brussell Archive for the week of 10/20/71


Phil Hendrie Show for the Week: June 24, 2005


Hour One
Ted Bell of Ted’s of Beverly Hills feels that anyone ordering their steak “medium to medium well” is gutless and more worried about mad cow disease than our men and women in harms way in Iraq. Get a pair, says Ted, and eat your steak rare.

Hour Two
David G. Hall opens the hour telling Phil that the Quizno’s baby was abducted and found in a barrel….and then says he’s only kidding…..Phil reads a list of new bits added to the archives….Phil reads some e-mail including one with new, funniest lines from the show….Phil wonders when the Long Beach Blues Festival is which leads to Bud saying he likes the blues even though he doesn’t like “Negroes.”…..Rudy Canosa calls in to say he is shamed to realize that saying La-la-la with your tongue hanging out to American women means something “filthy.”…..Phil wonders how tough an assignment Aruba must be for Greta and Alan Colmes…….

Hour Three:
Chris Norton, a young pharmaceutical rep from Hermosa Beach, tells Phil that he and his friends are all “hot-looking, young professionals” who want to keep their beach for “hot-looking people only.” It’s tough, he says, “having a Mes-sican scramble and seeing some beast come down the bike path. You can’t keep your eggs down.”


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