Update for the Week of 4/14/19
CounterMeasures for TIs:
Nearly all these devices prevent the door from opening when the person is inside. About the only device that prevents the door from opening when a person is outside is the following:
For Maximum Protection use the following in combination with each other!
Knob Cap Lock - Wrap with tape, cover the keyhole many times.
Nearly Universal Door Locking Devices:
Knob Cap Lock - Place on knob outside of door.
Locking Devices for Deadbolts:
Energy Lecture for the Week: Energy Trends Planning For The Near Future
Things are getting better by the minute:
LPG, CNG, and Hydrogen Conversion for your vehicle! (I'll look into LNG and Liquid Hydrogen conversions.)
Since the CNG tank is often the heaviest and most expensive part of a CNG conversion I'm looking into other low cost high pressure (3000-4000 psi) containers.
Local Sources of Methane
I was thinking, many highly populated areas already have access to a source of methane or natural gas - landfills! Many landfills produce usable amounts of methane (known as Landfill gas):https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landfill_gas
Along with Landfill gas, there is the Sewage Treatment Gas (Methane):
So, landfills AND sewage treatment plants can be local sources of transportation fuel, in fact there are many possible sources of "biogas":
People can collect the gas emissions from Cows, separate the methane from the other gases and sell it to fuel your car or for cooking.
Municipalities can tap into these sources of methane and sell it as a locally produced transportation fuel! This is yet another reason to convert your car to run on CNG along with gasoline.
Furthermore, since this methane is produced locally there can be less methane emissions from leaks since it doesn't have to transported for long distances. Also, since the methane must be separated from the carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide can be sequestered!
You don't have to wait for the energy industry to change over to hydrogen to run an internal combustion engine on hydrogen. It is possible to generate your own hydrogen gas, compress it and then burn it in an engine, like this:
I was thinking about the Tesla battery powered automobiles, if people carry around a couple of solar panels in their Tesla vehicle and they run out of charge while driving during the daytime, all they have to do is set up the solar panels, wait a couple of hours, let their vehicle charge up again and boom they're off!
People can now drive as far into sparsely populated areas as they want. They can be hundreds of miles from the nearest person and as long as the sun shines, the vehicle is in good working order and their solar panels function correctly they will never be stranded, they can always move!
I think Tesla should consider making a battery powered motorcycle or scooter!
Sometimes similar is possible with hydrogen powered cars though, it may be more complicated, because people will need some source of hydrogen. This may require using energy to extract water from the atmosphere or carrying around a container of water and then splitting the water and pressuring it into a container.
Cloud cover can now be controlled by using geoengineering. Moisture laden air masses can be dried up by over spraying them with condensation forming particulates. Hence, intermittent solar energy production due to passing clouds isn't as big a problem as we thought.
In regards to passive house design. Vacuum panel insulation could be used in the construction of houses, thereby bringing down the amount of heat loss to or heat entry from the environment.
The water/steam mix expelled from steam turbine power generation is often at a temperature higher than the surroundings. Instead of expelling this steam/water mix into the environment or cooling this steam/water mix and reusing it, it is far more efficient to pass this steam water mix through a heat exchanger. This heat exchanger would boil a liquid (like isobutane) with a boiling temperature lower than that of the steam/water mix. Then this vapor would be passed through a turbine to extract additional energy.
In regards to the lifespan and reliability of solar steam, solar Stirling engine, or wind turbines, I believe we could learn something from some of the better practices of car, TV, and other product manufactures.
Like this:
Also, many automobiles are subjected to extensive, rigorous testing, to simulate the effects of aging due to a variety of factors, like fast driving, rough roads, acceleration, low maintenance, going over bumps quickly, heat, cold, etc. After this extensive testing the entire car is taken apart and every piece, no matter how small, is inspected for wear.
This is what should be done with solar steam, solar Stirling engines, and wind turbines. Older solar steam plants, Solar Stirling engines, and wind turbines could be completely taken apart and every piece, no matter how small should be inspected to see if they wear, how much they wear, which components wear down more quickly, which less quickly. By doing this we can increase the lifetime of solar steam power systems, solar Stirling Engines, wind turbines, and even Solar Panels tremendously.
There are examples of machines that last for many decades. There are automobiles that have accumulated 1,000,000 miles (some owners replaced parts, gaskets, transmissions, rebuilt the engine) and they are still running:
I have found that the MPG of gasoline powered vehicles, also depends on the quality of the gasoline. Some brands of gasoline are more energy dense than others and yield greater MPG, some gasoline is akin to those used in weed trimmers, weed eater gas. From my experience, the brands with the some most energy dense gasolines are Valero and surprise, surprise Quik Trip. I used to think Quik Trip was just average gasoline, until I filled up my tank and the needle barely moved when I drove from one end of the Phoenix Valley to the other. That's high quality Gasoline!
From my experience the least energy dense brand of gasoline rhymes with Marco, and it made my "Check Engine Light" turn on. What are they putting in that liquid they pass off as "gasoline" are they watering it down? Do they have some guy/gal sticking a water hose down the tanks? "Come on, water it down some more we need to get the price down to 2.17 a gallon"
By employing the principles used by the TV manufacturers and with proper maintenance, there is nothing stopping us from building solar power systems that can last for 40-50 years or more, without having to replace the entire system.
More ideas on how to improve the efficiency of Atmospheric Water Generators and Otto Cycle Internal Combustion Engine:
Climate Engineering Lecture for the Week: (Nothing's Gonna Be Alright)
Remember what actually occurred on 9/11:
Architects and Engineers for Truth Video:
Fire Fighters and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video:
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