Updates for the Week of 4/28/19
CounterMeasures for TIs:
Mae Brussell Appears to have been a Targeted Individual Way Back in the 1960-1970s!:
Rattlesnake in mailbox and tent
Loosened bolts in cars suspension, almost led to accident.
Neighbor replaced with ex-military, the nefarious Mr. Casini!
Odd coincidences far above chance, and more!
Things are getting better by the minute:
One of the Greatest Rediscoveries in the History of Van Life.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood_gas_generatorA wood gas generator can generate hydrogen, methane, and Carbon Monoxide from wood chips, sawdust, charcoal, coal, rubber or any other organic materials. These materials are commonly available, we are surrounded by them. This would render Van Lifers, Off Gridders, Preppers, etc death proof in an extended emergency.
This is great for OFF GRID Stealth Vehicles people no longer need to buy gasoline, propane, or CNG, or spend time generating hydrogen just get some old tires, wood, sawdust, organic building materials, animal poop and boom you're off!!
Click below if you can't see the video above:
Click Below if you can't see the video above:
The combustion products from an internal combustion engine is lower when running on wood gas than on gasoline or (petrol).
The drawback is that it is challenging to shut off the combustion process after the engine is shut off, also people have to clean out the ash and tar that is produced. So, it would ideal if the vehicle could operate on several types of fuel. This would ideal for going off grid for extended periods of time.
People can redirect the Wood Gasifier gas into a electrical power generator and generate electricity using the Wood Gas:
Wood gas generators would also be ideal for emergency power generation once the more energy dense fuels run out. Critical components of the economy could consider buying and maintaining their own wood gas powered electrical generators, like Hospitals, Communications, Law Enforcement, Water Utilities, etc.
This is as close a most people will get to a Mr. Fusion (for now)
LPG, CNG, and Hydrogen Conversion for your vehicle! (I'll look into LNG and Liquid Hydrogen conversions.)
Since the CNG tank is often the heaviest and most expensive part of a CNG conversion I'm looking into other low cost high pressure (3000-4000 psi) containers.
Climate Engineering Lecture for the Week: (Nothing's Gonna Be Alright)
Saudi Arabia Beheading Political Activists:
So just remember whenever you fill up your car with gasoline some percentage of your payment goes to "head hunters".
Background information on Steven Biko:
What to do in a biosphere/economic collapse situation!
What to do in Medical Emergency Situation: (Most Important, put away the hacksaw, alcohol, and leeches)https://youtu.be/rvIJv1gMNAg
What to do in a Ham Radio Situation: (Very, Very Important)
Very good introduction to Shortwave Radio Basics:
Ham Radio, focused mostly on short distance communications
Ham Radio, focused mostly on long distance Communication
Baofeng Radio
One more thing about Ham Radio Situation. In a collapse situation, the networks that transmit data from smart phones, internet, cable TV will most likely be nonfunctional. This implies that people may have to use some of the Ham Radio communication methods that rely primarily on the physical characteristics of the earth, atmosphere, sun, etc.
There is another communication method that may still be functional in a collapse situation and that is communication satellites. Since many satellites are in orbit far above the earth, are geostationary, and have their own power supplies, they will be immune to most collapse situations on the surface of earth. Hence preppers can utilize these satellites to communicate with each other and around the world.
What to do in a Stealth Vehicle Situation: (Van or other)
What to do in a Fuel Conversion Situation:
In order for your stealth vehicle to be as useful as possible in a collapse situation, it is advisable that it be able to run on almost any combustible liquid or gas. Without access to a steady supply of fuel, eventually mobility will be limited.
The most commonly available fuel for the internal combustion engine is WOOD GAS:
Look into LPG, CNG, and Flex fuel conversions:
Landfill methane can be a source of transportation fuel that is completely independent of grid. Though it would be ideal to be able to generate your own fuel like hydrogen, using solar.
Private Aircraft Situation??
If preppers get flight training, and buy a small aircraft, then in a collapse situation, they can make their way to the airport, fuel up and then fly to their "bug out" shelter, in near complete safety!! While all the nonpreppers are writhing in agony you'll be 1000's of feet safely above them, flying to your bug out shelter or some undetermined space with flat space to land.
A small private aircraft makes it possible to move with the seasons with near complete safety, though only if sufficient fuel is available.
It may be possible to operate a small aircraft using WOOD GAS.
Doomsday Preppers S01E00 (Thanks For the Wood Gas idea!)
Presenting specific preparations by specific preppers is useful, it has the limitation that SOME of the preparations are only applicable in the area specific to the preppers. I think the show should also present General preparation principles that are widely applicable, like Food, Water, Shelter, Security and then see how each of these general principles are implemented in specific regions and circumstances.
Another common theme in these episodes, that I believe is inaccurate, is the idea that immediately after the grid goes down people will begin to riot and break into homes for food. What is missing is a realistic timeline of when people may start running out of food in their pantries. This depends on the causes of grid failure, though in most grid failures in which people are left alive, there is time to prepare.
Say the grid goes down, grid electrical power is nonfunctional, water no longer flows out of the tap, grid based communications like smartphone, internet, cable TV are nonfunctional.
Most people's cars will still have gas in their tanks, so most people can drive home. People can listen to their car radios for information. Many buses are not powered by grid electricity so people without cars can still get a ride home.
When they arrive home, they can eat dry foods like bread, and drink stored water or other potable liquids.
As a last resort they can drink the water from the toilet tank (not the bowl) or water heater.
After a couple of days with no grid power, then people may start looking for food.This gives the prepper a couple of days to prepare their residence and decide to stay or go.
Remember what actually occurred on 9/11:
Architects and Engineers for Truth Video:
Fire Fighters and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video:
Capitalism vs. Socialism Lecture for the Week:
Meteorology Lecture for the Week: Clouds Stability and Buoyancy Part 1
Ecology Lecture for the Week: Population Growth and It's Natural Limits
Travelers Beware! Of Dirty, Filthy, Rotten Rooms: DUMPS : Northeast Garden Inn & Colonial Motel in MD - VEERRY Dirty.
Several reasons why people should obtain stealth vans or RVs!
Phil Hendrie Show for the Week: August 21, 2001
https://www.philhendrieshow.com/ph_episode/tuesday-august-21-2001-2/Hour 1:
Steve Bosell was at the restroom at Outback Steakhouse and a guy walked in on him and said ‘who died in here’. Steve experienced PTSD. Phil closes talking about the fad of foreign names for kids, and how certain names like Ian are cherry-picked. He suggests it’s not very American.
Hour 2:
Coach Vernon Dozier says that kids dying on high school football fields is because of a ‘pussy’ stamina. Phil closes discussing Sylvia, a self-professed MENSA member, who unwittingly argues with Phil’s fake character and plays her in a flashback 2001-08-20 hour one
Hour 3:
FIRST HALF. Connie Chung’s upcoming interview with Gary Condit. Phil promotes the BSP and archives. Phil performs South Of The Border Diary August 13. SECOND HALF. Phil does Larry King opening, Phil talks about news themes, bubonic plague, scary movies. Phil complains he can’t get good celebrity guests to visit the studio, but Gary Oldman, Harry Shearer, and others did show.
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