Updates for the Week of 5/26/19
CounterMeasures for TIs: https://www.targetedperson.com/BB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=23 Climate Engineering Lecture for the Week: (Nothing's Gonna Be Alright) Cheap Prepperoni: 3 Simple Ways to Disinfect Water Don't forget that as a last resort people can drink water from the toilet tank (not the bowl) or water heater . People can get a water bob storage bag like this: https://waterbob.com/ Cheap Prepperoni: Survival Lily Shows you how to survive in the Canadian Wilderness, she was dropped off by helicopter with no camera crew or support: Cheap Prepperoni:$100 Walmart Survival Challenge Doomsday Preppers S01E06: https://youtu.be/s5G13gFh3kw What to do in a biosphere/economic collapse situation! What to do in Medical Emergency Situation: (Do it yourself surgery) https://youtu.be/rvIJv1gMNAg What to do in a Food/Gatherer Situation: ( Hey,... Eat THIS!! ) https://youtu.be/WIRemyGT_xM What to do in a Firearm Situat...