Update for the Week of 11/25/18
Sorry for the delay in posting for this week. I was away visiting family in San Francisco and I had to take care of some problems when I came back to Phoenix, AZ, they played what I think was a cheap, low down, dirty trick, a cheap trick! An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore - Released in 2006, still relevant today. Makes a strong case for the anthropocentric causes of global climate change. Government Documents - Weather Manipulation There are those seemingly paid skeptics online that argue against the possibility of weather manipulation, they make it seem as if not only is it impossible but, also that the government wouldn't even attempt to alter weather patterns but, here it is: https://youtu.be/rpTUhTDFS40?t=42 I noticed a small banner underneath the "governments documents" video posted directly above regarding "contrails" and their formation (from encyclopedia Britannica). I do agree that some of the trails behind aircraft are contrails BUT, NOT...